Saturday, February 13, 2021

Paradigm changer


There are four very significant Paradigm changes I make. I did not think, I would make any 1. These are all recent and very important and each relates to me, thus I have motivation to broadcast as much as I can till the original believers are found. I expose my thinking to convince the originals that my efforts are not in vain, that I am not motivated by any intellectual reasons alone, I am calling on you for self but also that you will benefit so too, and your help be acknowledged too. The help may be from self, your friends to which the links are sent, and not just you, but they will also benefit and be acknowledged as well, recursively.

Paradigm changes ?

The four paradigm changes are

1. How to live for ever, scientifically, Thursday, February 11, 2021

Self-interest is cure my currently insoluble essential tremor, heart and aging. Open contempt to weird plant medicine or non-doctor verified chemicals, unless self checked.

2. How tothink scientifically, Sunday, February 7, 2021

How I think and all above-normal should.

3. How to ethically prosper, ethical self start, Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Needed for unfolding robot world, applicable to far more than aging, applying it my aasign!

4. Aasign for reliable writings.

Trust but verify statistically.

Fallacy why?

Every moron has misused the word 'scientific' since they insist that their thinking is consistent with science. The proper meaning of all the paradigm changes to modern science is no belief ever on anything but self-experiments or description of experiments by scientists where science may be generated and experiments are repeatable. Never trust a putative scientist! Fallacy may happen from false data, false representation of identity, conflict of interest and mis-insertion and mis-deletion.

Why the details?

This is not just identification of error mechanism, but if signatures are in the best practices (transparently proved), then my scientific writings make sense. The biggest Paradigm shift will be historians and explainers prior to my scientific paradigm Paradiming i.e. before me and consistent to my or equal signatures. A new Co-paradigm called Aasign is defined before my paradigms can be reliably learned, even if quantum computers use becomes common.

How will 'my signatures' work?

Given any text, a standard digest is made to huge integers. The digest-article, listed authors, date, edition, size make a virtual group article. Any virtual-group can be digested too. Every group-digest becomes index into a Trent table of integers. The entry is copied and group-digest signature-checked against me. If genuine then match exists, is successful and document true, properties as derived from integer or auto-read from document! Simple automation makes it into type-writer cost automatic verifier with all!

But you make no money from Aasign?

Wrong. NSA-proof solution is transparent quantum-resistant computation ONE-WAY (easy in one direction but not the other). The computations can be made transparent reverse-engineering-proof but safe by many Trent and their computations in tested isolated enclosed-hardware only. Verification of some NP-complete and one-way is elementary! The Hard part is with Trent, easy part with you. Online conversations with Trent are end-to-end encrypted! You can/must check every answer Trent gives.

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