Saturday, February 27, 2021

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What has led you to believe in your own paradigm as a fanatic?

Over the last 20 years, I have patiently and in great detail pursued every scientific (as per me)result from anyone claimed by me scientific. This has included 5 year blind paths at believing wrong interpretation of parbiosis experiment of heterochronic parabiosis by Conboy in 2005 by Stanford faculty, who saw magic proteins in young blood, isolated, productized, and packaged by their  companies. What gave me pause was wait and see of non-existent results. Why I believe in blood dilution theory to the point of experiment with myself is FTD belief in results (Dr. Sinclair re chemicals), Conboy interpretation of parbiosis, potential benefits to self and loved, and high safety of TPE. The worst is nothing exciting happens. If TPE was not FDA approved, or TPE criticized by Dr. de Grey, I would not volunteer!

In 2016, a SENS Research Foundation study in the lab of Drs. Irina and Mike Conboy at UC Berkeley gave significant support to the Dilution Solution, and they have now published a pair of new studies showing that literally diluting the aging plasma with injections of saline plus replacement of the relatively inert transport protein albumin promotes even more dramatic rejuvenation effects on body and brain

How do you know you are complete?

He [Alex Zhavoronkov, PhD, the chief scientist of the Bio gerontology Research Foundation [and the CEO of an artificial intelligence company Insilico Medicine] also proposed a strategy for re purposing known geroprotectors such as rapamycin, nicotinamide riboside, nicotinamide mono nucleotide, metformin, and other drugs with the known safety profile for prevention of SARS-CoV-2 infection. The following is the quick British paper. [he terms Cov-19 disease gerolavic, I agree]

Clinical trials of low-dose rapamycin to protect elderly from COVID-19 proposed

rapamycin is dangerous

I have discussed all except rapamycin. It is available for immune protection from transplant, by reducing immunity at 2 mg/day. Anecdotally, 1 mg/day reduction is enough to defeat immunity loss! Only proper FDA test can tell! That it is legal for something, by FDA rule, any MD can prescribe it for anything! It is controversial and doer not interest me now. Incidentally 3 pathway protein group for aging reduction are (each a protein group) Sirutins, PARP, and mTOR (proteins IN mammalian target of rapamycin), which indicates very old claims re rapamycin, solidly warned against by FDA, yet people quaff it anyway, for aging and cancers, (Hail Mary effort)!

Sirolimus - Wikipedia

This Obscure, Potentially Dangerous Drug Could Stop Aging

The first is rapamycin, which was originally developed as an immunosuppressive. But when taken at low doses, it's been found to extend the lifespans of mice by around 15%. This is accompanied by the slowing of multiple age-related changes, such as tendon stiffening and liver and heart degeneration. In other animal models, it's been shown to slow the development of Alzheimer's and Huntington's disease. In older humans it dramatically improves immune function and vaccination responses.

Rapamycin slows aging by inhibiting the protein mTOR, which regulates the process of protein production in cells. Inhibiting it allows cells to recycle damaged proteins instead of allowing these to build up. Normally, mTOR allows these damaged protein cells to build up because it requires less energy for cells to continue building more new protein over recycling the old ones. But this buildup of proteins in cells can mean cells don't function as well as they should. Inhibiting mTOR can enable cells to continue functioning properly.

So let us recount my derivations.

Dr. Sinclair is of Harvard. He is unlike all scientists, free of money concerns and safe unconcerned like them. He has a theory (not subscribed universally) for aging which justifies my NMN (not NR) and pterostilbene (not resveratrol), metformin and k2+D3. Targets are linings, mitochondria and calorie-restriction. That is my drug effort. D3 is less vitamin and a more full-fledged hormone.

There is a strong argument against any theory of damage accumulation as from the latest Horvath bomb-shell, as quoted here "Aging is often perceived as a degenerative process caused by random accrual of cellular damage over time. In spite of this, age can be accurately estimated by epigenetic clocks based on DNA methylation profiles from almost any tissue of the body. Since such pan-tissue epigenetic clocks have been successfully developed for several species, it is difficult to ignore the likelihood that a defined and shared mechanism instead, underlies the aging process. To address this, we generated 10,000 methylation arrays, each profiling up to 37,000 cytosines in highly-conserved stretches of DNA, from over 59 tissue-types derived from 128 mammalian species. From these, we identified and characterized specific cytosines, whose methylation levels change with age across mammalian species. Genes associated with these cytosines are greatly enriched in mammalian developmental processes and implicated in age-associated diseases. From the methylation profiles of these age-related cytosines, we successfully constructed three highly accurate universal mammalian clocks for eutherians, and one universal clock for marsupials (other mammals). The universal clocks for eutherians are similarly accurate for estimating ages (r>0.96) of any mammalian species and tissue with a single mathematical formula. Collectively, these new observations support the notion that aging is indeed evolutionary conserved and coupled to developmental processes across all mammalian species - a notion that was long-debated without the benefit of this new and compelling evidence."

Parbiosis paper of 2005 leads to Conboy paper of 2020 with surprising bad blood causing the age problems, rather than magic proteins in young blood. That leads to my demand for Blood dilution by TPE. Note that human results are in the pipeline and Dr. Conboy advices against precisely me. However, my loved ones can not wait and my own debilitation for 2 or more years. The risk is low and benefits huge, and I believe enough in my medicine. So the conversation with doctor uncle will decide. As expected, march is here for Covid-19 vaccination, and I must experiment with 0.5 mg rapamycin also, in conjunction with NMN.

Work in California on Yamanaka factors based medicine and supplements are essential to eventual forbid of death through brain download. I just track FDA and UC Berkeley/Stanford and other big news, but read them skeptically. Anecdotal by otherwise known people without significant controversy, not other ad tricks (specially by professional advertisers, all considered sub animal emfubar).

Risks of TPE

  • Low blood pressure

  • Shortness of breath

  • Metabolic alkalosis. This can cause a headache or seizures.

  • Bleeding

  • Increased risk for infection because your normal immune system proteins (antibodies) have been removed

  • Too little calcium in the blood (hypocalcemia)

  • When non-plasma replacement fluid is used: too little potassium in the blood (hypokalemia)

  • When donor plasma is used: Allergic reaction or disease transmission

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