Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Plasma Update


I felt that I had exhausted the experiments needed to build my aging tree of deductions and top-down analysis remained, and I am very good at that. None of Safety arguments are likely to be falsified, I am comfortable with risks of NMN or NR or plasma update. However, efficacy is open. There are no problems with my method of aping. However, the second method is plasma update. Proceeding to self-experimentation was based on Parbiosis experiment. Efficacy was not known for humans, and since safety is likely, it sounds like a reasonable try!

Alternate explain?

Alas, it is not! Parbiosis is surgically conjoin old and young mice so that their blood systems were common. Post experiment, old mice got younger and younger mice got older. All I do is separate myself from the donor so that I just paid for younger plasma. It might not work, so that I would feel dumb, but I take risk! Post UCB the latest experiment, I would fail! They tried as I think, no parbiosis, direct blood plasma. Younger mice got older but older mice age only improved a couple of months. What went wrong?

Right way?

Experimenters at UCB are smart. Clearly my and normal explain of parbiosis is wrong. The Age decrement of the old is not due to magic proteins in young blood! The neutral plasma was sufficient to decrease age! Their plasma carried junk that made younger mice old. But nothing from young had any benefits. The old age was because of junk inflammation products, concentration decreased by low age blood! This means saline dilution might help!

Mice experiment?

Works as charm. No young is needed. Neutral saline+albumin powder (for a basic protein, not age related). It diluted old blood. Good proteins grew back. Bad ones did not grow. Saline neutral update reduced age!

Human experiment?

UCB guys are FDA scientists, not FTD! Turns out neutral replacement is FDA tested and approved for auto-immune diseases. So now, histories of patient's involved are being read. From my point of view, safety is a concern, but efficacy is not. Researching auto-immune data says

No children patients were harmed (SEVERAL Hundred).

Aged patients had side effects (40% including repeats, 20% of patients).

Say I, if fucked then repeated so.

10% were serious effects.

5% died.

So there you have it.

What about you?

The numbers above don't scare me. Aged is as bad as dead. There is one more thing I would try first. Remember my letter about Cytokines storm for killing from Covid-19. That is like what auto-immune do. The inoculation will improve my native immunity. After 2 doses and one month later, I will be ready I.E. 3 months. It is quantum-suicide! Unlimited patients of aging for Dr. Arya, the aging wizard!

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