Tuesday, November 17, 2020

A new kind of startup - aastartup

Following is a collection of linearized slides. It is directed to healthy retired friends and acquaintances or those who can take early retirement. It believes that heathy  aging till 130 years is possible today, each elongation year healthy. Existing age effects  detrimental  to health can be stopped today!

Not every one gets US citizenship, then returns to their roots and try at business startup. My reason likely matches yours – escape inevitable old age. The singlularity 0f 1+ year extension per year happens in next 50 years, reachable by me.

My contribution and required from all else


    Me – money in full

    All else – 1 month of toil without pay. Full current pay + 20% for any mutually accepted period thereafter.

    Pay will come from money given by first patients.

    Obviously no one will pay unless convinced got full benefits.

    In any case, some percent of company given to new investors. 20% of amount to people who do not continue.

    Startup partner bioage determination is free ($300-$500).

Why do it so


    Every thuggery is based on paying cash to the thug.

    No one will pay money to any one but close friend, known in person many years.

    To lesser friends, people will contribute, risk time only. Every one will risk time if convinced! That requires upfront money to me.

    Paying upfront stock will work if company succeeds.

    If it does not work as expected then just a vacation trip to India and age data!

    Every startup person likes the capital to last long time!

Other methods


It is my claim that Dr. Sinclair has uniquely solved aging mechan ism and all others are subanimals.

    Every other method is subhuman – regardless of experience, knowledge, prestige, fame of the purveyor. Dr. Sinclair is polite, I am not, they are thugs.

    It is possible to objectively measure age benefits of any method, all the bastards can be caught, using Horvath clock, converting aging into science first time in 2019.

What is expected and why


    You must read and understand Dr. Sinclair of Harvard.

    At this time, only Metformin 1gm, Acarbose, Resveratrol 1gm and NMN 1gm per day work.

    NMN must be taken with betaine or vitamin B15.

    NMN must be protected from liver. Eating it fails. Sublingual, nasal drops or iv. In iv form, 500Mg may suffice. NMN is expensive and 95% suppliers are subanimal criminals.

    Iv is very hard unless a nurse – where you come in if a nurse. No iv solutions of NMN are sold or will. I know how to make it.

Expected of you


    If you know “not interested”, send me facebook mail with just “not interested"

    If not interested but lazy, read book first etc, you will get official invite whenever.

    If interested, read book first and decide afterwards. I do not promise another invite. I am going to do it anyway, possibly without a company. Will pay Indian nurse then.

Why start company


    Aging has unlimited patient supply.

    Convincing proof is now possible by externally done bioage.

    I believe hence will make self first victim.

    Benefit happens in one month. If you are convinced, only then offer yourself as beneficiary.

    USA doctors do it in Texas for $1000 per day. No one honestly working can afford it. Only startup persons.

What I bring to table


    Only thing that follows from here is something you can get by Reading Sinclair.The iv solutions of NMN are not sold!

    Like NMN are benficial salts NR, NAD+, NADH.

    Direct NAD+ is better foir ALZHEIMARS and other Brain disorders. So why NMN and not others. I know scientific reason (objective)!

    Aging avoid very new. So much that5 FDA doesnot call Aging a disease, meaningless improvement!

Measuring benefits objectively


    Salutatory bioage determination is by Horvath clock which measures methylation concentration of several thousand DNA points and reduces them to bioage.

    Determination is human difference free (race, exercise etc). It works for all DNA life like trees and animals!

    Bioage is 3.1 years within calendar age and predicts remaining life as well. Companies in USA do it. So measure before and after any procedure and any moron! You can know how old and years of life remaining! DNA comes from spit or blood lab.

making a business


I am starting an Aging undo company. I think  no doctors are taught about aging, in fact even FDA refuses to call Aging a disease. A dream since 5000 years came true in 2019.

10 years from now, aging will be called a disease and doctors will try to monopolise it. I will be there for grandfathering.

Horvath clock is NOT known  in India but common in USA. Going to USA for measuring it is ridiculous.

India based measureing makes "Aging undo" a self-sustained idea. I take all money risk - it is my company. I belive in it and drugs and Horvath clock and will be the first user! The company is formed and run if its cost is 50 % of 1 year plan I will do regardless! I have money, time and will.

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