Thursday, February 4, 2021


aaging: Arun Arya paradigm on Aging


When a paradigm changes, the new is rarely even comprehensible to the old, it is a restart which demolishes seniority. (Paradigm is used generally). It swings to the young new. Historically, it changes because all believers in the old paradigm grow old and die, while professors teach the new! It is not unusual for the paradigm changer to be sensible and to transfer real power to a semi-senior young, rather than the old guard.

Since I use this word so much, let me introduce the sub-paradigm concept motivated by programming. Use of procedures and functions was a very successful sub-paaradigm that persisted unchanged even while structured programming, object orientation and api-based sub-paradigm rose. Now comes a true paradigm change of functional programming! Old style programmers were not confused by sub-paradigms but will be devastated by functional programming.

Politics example?

This happened with Modi who became CM of Gujarat, primarily at that point to solve infra-party conflicts. He won, prospered his state and prospers the country today. He represents a paradigm just as Nehru did. Rahul does not understand and never will.

Medicine example?

The germ theory of disease underlies modern medicine. Also called allopathy to raise Ayurveda etc as equal alternatives (they are not and homeopathy is criminal). Most diseases of century 20 were bacteria based and mm theory prospered. Now we must deal with virus based diseases and likes of heart and brain diseases. Further is Aging, also considered a disease. The reasons are subtle changes in cells, mitochondria and DNA. It is more genetics based. New medicine will deal with stem cells and cell fixing. New mm is a new paradigm. In old, causation was bacterial. Lot of effort has gone into identification and killing off suspected agents. FDA was a golden way to evaluate medicine. New efforts are on in-vivo genetic changes, strengthening of white cells, reinsertion of cells after extraction and processing and infusion of plasma. The greatest challenge is to extract and reinsert brains. It can be done with heart. Current FDA and its interpolations are stupid for evaluating new agents

Arya test?

It is like a Turing test. Can any organism achieve biological immortality, if isolated from all other life forms? Perhaps for lower life. Cancer cells are immortal. Higher animals like jelly fish are immortal. It has a massive advantage of being able to revert to child form. This is death of the old form and not included since memories are not preserved, and it is more like rebirth, not included.

If at all awake, there is new technology which can enable a digital brain readout in the next few hundred years (channel rhodopsin . TED, This is from MIT) and will fund its own growth through mental and brain disease alleviation. If so, immortality can be achieved through robot life. Is the new robot the same as old? Is the person after quantum gates transfer the same? There is a philosophical argument possible. I skip that, since I know that death is like endless sleep that I was in pre-birth, one every day without dreams and one I was in while TBI. It is a boring philosophical topic.

Physics example

There was pre-newton understanding, representing a paradigm. Several thousand years of seniority. There was a paradigm change that the Christian church has not gone over. This was followed by the Einsteinian paradigm. Confluent was quantum physic's paradigm change with Planck. Now the church is screwed and has bowed out of reality, evolution and all. This was supplanted by Feynman/Dirac paradigm change. Suddenly one could make sense of particle zoo!


The Universe was understandable to church till Galileo paradigm. This was changed in the American astronomer Hubble paradigm. It forced belief into the big bang model. I believe (minority) that Galactic rotation curves indicate that the theory of gravity follows Dutch physicist Erik Verlinde's Gravity and also independent observation to indicate that dark matter is real. Or it might happen that the bullet cluster is special. BUT consider the fate of two shining examples of dark matter!


What does it mean to understand anything? The paradigm theory provides a barometer. Paradigms change with time as new technology allows finer data that may well conflict with current paradigm Or the current theory is found to fit experiment in worse ways. Can a paradigm be inviolate. My thoughts since no thinker has asked this question. It means something that opposes science a big way - unless something is falsifiable, it is not science. No wonder doctors keep changing their mind, they can only tell a patient the current results. Lack of change prohibits new experiments! Yet one thing can seem to be certain - mathematics. It matters not what current belief or experiments are. Even that fails in quantum physics. Things can happen without any classical (read logical) reason. There are two things in particular that can behave as quantum resources. One is entanglement and the other is simultaneous states.

Many states is that if a particle goes right, it will also go left with some probability at the same time, there is no way to prevent going left. You can not prevent a particle in a well of energy, with some it will go out with some probability, It is how photosynthesis works, any leaves can, but best chemical engineers can't. Entanglement can be used to build tamper-proof internet. This is how tomorrow works, no sci-fi involved. These are only two uses.

The protein folding problem is fundamental to new medicine, Existing computers, no matter how much faster, can not solve it. But quantum computers can. Google has claimed quantum supremacy. The protein folding problem is solvable for them with more qubits.

So even understanding is a difficult problem. Is general P solvable? Can't, but quantum computers may, but they can't. There is no way to tell the answer in general. Don't feel bad because same was even before, undecidability is itself undecidable on deterministic ordinary computers!

… when you’ve solved biology, and you know how it all works, will that be disappointing at all? To have no more mystery about the mind, or why we do things?

The premise of the question is that the mystery would go away. But I don’t know if the premise is correct.

We know lots and lots about water, but does that erase the meditative quality of sitting on a beach and watching the waves? We know a heck of a lot about how stars work, through fusion of hydrogen and the creation of all the elements and so forth. But does that make it so nobody wants to look at the night sky? I think there are many kinds of wonder. And some are untouched, if not enhanced, by science.


It seems that 'creatures age without tampering' except that jellyfishes are immortal but for useful point of no memories transmitted. Suppose I could be immortal jellyfish style. Record all memories preservable. Then proceed to renew my body, set up the environment so that the recording is available to renewed me, am I immortal? Why should I leave bad memories for next me? Perhaps some mine and others obtained. Or all as sold? Or just enough to be me! All kind of questions disappear with Yamanaka factor based renew. Done every dozen years, I go to renew self, spending say a month in a company hospital. Since robotics is everywhere, I get government dole. The Government sets up a tribunal for each death (only accidental). Lessons are learned and implemented to avoid a repeat, research if tribunal can't decide.

What will hospitals do?

They will use RNA based selections of right DNA cells. Then OSK factors will be administered to pull back age of some cells. Same repeated for all cells. The brain part is different. The neurons form undecidable analog circuits. So no engineering is done. Something much better is done. Like body parts, independent neural net governed extensions are available for direct brain control. The control is fused to the brain, useless till some commands become part of the brain. The rest are picked with time. All this before download happens, in a few hundred years.

Why will they do it?

To earn money per procedure from the government.

Will private property live?

It will because of tragedy of commons.

So how will this come about?

Increasing free time to workers, decided between unions and the government for employers. Consolidation of unions to two - free enterprise and socialist. Brutal firing of commies and long imprisonment.


Don't know or care. Competition between at least two raised to constitution and made part of checks and balances. Strong anti-monopoly checks and balances. The government must be minimal, with less the role as possible. Strong support for son-of-soil employment. Poor states have no dole provision. State parts have the right to secede and join on unanimous wish (seceder and absorber). No uniform laws in family matters except number of husbands and wives, marriage and divorce and other population count matters.

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