Thursday, February 4, 2021


 Aaging: the book

Understanding the person?

RDS for Rational double skepticism where one inverts the proposition to examine and asks why not. One must also examine the reasoning likely to be advanced by the opponents and prepare believable answers to all likely supports for the contrary. It extends RS essential for science to defender of a position.

Paradigm shift is the likely reason for men as good as you, or better, will argue opponent side. Consider the farmer agitation in India. Paradigm shift has happened because food products have moved from shortages to excess produce with no buyers, no storage and no international  buyers at internal prices! If milk is produced, there ar5e few markets making sweets and milk powder etc, depressing prices in markets to unbearable levels. It was visible in dumped milk and destroyed ghobi vegetables. The government has no reasonable storage post buying. The easy way is to strong-arm the government to buy anyway, damaging to all non-farmers and poor farmers. My answer emerged from why not just buy from the farmer and guarantee MSP prices to all!

These are how I view the world and how people considered equally intelligent to me think. There is no guru benefits as reasons ever. People musty think so be considered garbage.

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