Thursday, February 18, 2021

Aging - Arya paradigm


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Likely irrelevant, but this is what USA government thinks about aging.

I have spent 20 years, scientifically researching aging, i.e. ignoring EVERYTHING enunciated by non-scientists, and taking what scientists said RDS i.e. skeptically. There is no reason for it to happen in my lifetime, it was to achieve better life when aged, life extension was never a goal. But biological theory of information by Dr. Sinclair has even created that hope, creating a hope being attacked with caution, means likely time-waste knowingly. And now a paradigm of aging connects all my scientific dots into an actionable theory of aging, listing things to do and even a why. All my derivations have a common story that magically, unexpectedly as all derived in isolation, mesh into a single theory and give hence a reason to believe in, and not chase other tricks! Essentially it boils down to what aging is to a person, - blood supply loss to the periphery, poor blood, aged mitochondria and age-methylated epi-genome. Let us fix them all. Not 1, but not many either, 4 to be exact!

Tellingly, regardless of parent's ages, all births have similar low methylation, zero when starting. This means that methylation stripping is part of fertilization and likely that original DNA is somehow preserved. The strip of methylation constrains theories a lot. Likely happens in all eggs and sperm particles, by the cytosine protein. Cytosine necessary for all mating without exception, non-DNA proteins will have some exceptions..

Fixing paths?

Blood supply is by arteries and veins, called paths. The supply is effected by narrowing or death of the paths. There is a cell lining of the path. Resveratrol and Pterostilbene are two ways to benefit the lining cells. ECP creates new paths all over the body and in-effect has wider benefits than heart.

Fixing blood?

Second way is blood itself is aged, effects delivery and usage. It might become more viscous or reduced capacity to carry molecules. Details are not important. There are two large theories of blood. Either young blood carries unaged proteins, or the recovery strength of old blood is reduced. No matter what the age of blood, aged proteins and young proteins always come in relative aging concentrations. Mixing young and old reduces the age of older, but the older is much better off and safer with neutral! Hence, NBE for neutral blood exchange effectively discarding old plasma. I will do it. It has potential for repeat too. Neutral means saline, NMN and albumin.

Fixing mitochondria?

That is what NMN or NR do. Mitoq works too. You can buy NMN+Mitoq too at USA Amazon.

Fixing epi-genome?

Central to immortality. That is what research on Yamanaka factor medicine and supplements in California is all about! When done, usual doctors will learn of FDA results.

Engineering approach?

Do the blood and mitochondria based age improvements based on supplements by aping some good users, it is Dr. Sinclair for me. Wait for prescription for Yamanaka. Will benefits add i.e. they are independent? Looks so, my trial will tell.

FDA permit?

Not a goal now! I view two principal jobs of FDA to be safety and efficacy. My safety is based on plants (resveratrol or pterostilbene) NMN (NMN or NR are vitamin B3 forms in body) and NBE (plasma exchange safer than even 100-year-old blood transfusion). Efficacy proofs for self are resveratrol (botany), pterostilbene (botany), NMN (aping), NR (FDA) and NBE (successor to Berkeley paper on parabiosis).

What causes the Horovith methylation marks?

Irrelevant to know for me. Horovith believes it is from some bookkeeping aspect in DNA. Note that CpG are C-T dense regions of DNA called Islands. Since it matches in tissue, across populations, across species, likely from DNA! In all species, the methylations are stripped in all CpG sites, but not everywhere! Demethylation during early embryogenesis occurs in the preimplantation period. After a sperm fertilizes an ovum to form a zygote, rapid DNA demethylation of the paternal DNA and slower demethylation of the maternal DNA occurs until formation of a morula which has almost no methylation

What else?

Don't trust media, businessmen, corruptible doctors, all advertisers etc. Always spend time on linked papers in top journals only. Always get go ahead from a doctor, don't ever re talk if suggesting a brand! Only universal recommended is k2 (100mcg MK-7) and d3 (1000 -10,000)IU with calcium. Nearly all free radical or ROS (Reactive oxygen species) based advice is bull-shit. D3 is a magic solver for many impossible diseases, hard to overdose on, 25000 IU per week is good.

Self-application of research

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