Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Alzheimer's disease and dementia


Alzheimer's disease and dementia are certain of some unspecified of my class, could be me. What happens when they do? A link, reachable by clicking title, references AMBAR, the only reference I could find of TPE (Therapeutic Plasma Exchange) on humans. TPE is FDA approved for auto-immune diseases, hence safe with unknown efficacy. My use, based on DRS. Conboy of UC Berkeley, un=recommended (use concerns) by them, but recommended by me for people who have nothing to lose, IE suicide doers and aged on deathbed, but these are psychological states and not diagnose-able as per me. With any sense, you are better off waiting for aging age types or ageotype which will make TPE good for you. Searching for reference I ran into a web link to Dr. Dobri Kirprov, also co-author in Conboy paper, and the TPE expert. My aging world sanes of SENS of Dr. de Grey and Dr. Sinclair has grown to include DRS. Conboy of Berkeley (parabiosis expert) and Dobri Kirprov of San Francisco (TPE expert).

That said, the mental problem is acute for me. I could not help my father. But I can my mother, convince her to take TPE. She does not trust my medicine, despite all belief in me. She has committed to following me, if it benefits me. I am all set but just one problem - I can push the matter for 5 years based on acuity of all my symptoms. In my judgment, she can't. World will change by then, more will be known, why am I interested in becoming an aging doctor, affect others than just me? Perhaps my encryption work will expand to fill all my time, now that quantum computer safe has been provably added! The answer is that for minuscule risk, my mother will follow me after near certain improvement. Do I take the very small risk? Mice and similar experiments are clarinet to buffalo!

The answer came to me after a lot of thinking: talk to the doctor uncle, has always been helpful to every one in the family, me included. He is Prof. G. D. Agrawal kind saint and smart, likely to understand the moral question and understand the medical benefits and issues. Even better, he might just know some TPE doc in Delhi and refer me to him. Covid-19 has done that to Delhi.

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