Thursday, February 25, 2021

Why USA thrives


It is a colored view of USA, why it thrives, why I love it despite remoteness, why my lessons are central to my self view, weltanschauung, and my politics. The closest I find as ideal is Carnegie who epitomizes "teach a man to fish charity", than "gift him food". He gave a lot to establish free public libraries to many town, but librarians paid by the city government. His perfect man, never knew him by words, but self derived, established a huge school, but run by RSS, and three clinics for homeopathy, Ayurveda and Unani, all free but run by the government of UP as deeded charity. Clearly different from me (all medicines opposed) but so is Carnegie in US, still opposed by all fellow travelers. Rather than destroy, I will add free modern medicine clinic. In fact I may do it from anti-aging wealth!

I could identify my legacy, but this is about why USA thrived. As a superior business man ex-president Trump divined, no matter what your ideology, you will buy some items from USA in at least 4 classes based on innovation, military equipment (else enemy fucks), soft arts like movies, software, books etc (else boring entertainment); space access (else no satellites) and drugs (illness fucks even kills). You will buy them even if you have to eat grass. Modi bought many military items, eventually crushing china. Like a superb tactician, he has switched to self reliance. Farmer agitation has not driven him to USA stupidity (average farmer earns 1.5 times the average, based on competition control (3 laws) and subsidy for MSP like prices on unlimited produce).

The country is not managed! It has become truly universal with time and social equality. It remains a collection with recent hierarchical immigrant communities with mixing (with all the social problems). Inter-operation is competition friendly and must be forced by requiring public explanations to contrary steps, which can then be used in any court. The essential tool is unfettered competition with no steps reliable in courts on books, all capable of being competition attacked.

The USA country is a joy to live for wide reach of successful business and consumer travel on slow dilapidation, still awesome highway system, built in the 50's. India is following the same script with massive growth in highways and rail network. Even my suggestion for double decker trains is being worked on, raising some cross-track bridge path. Railway works on universal electrification of all engines, away from diesel polluters. Rapidly CNG transport and tractor revolution despite arm twisting on paraly burn!

With the falling cost of LFP (LiFePO4/C) batteries, another paradigm change happens in transportation fuel with reusable solar and wind. I am ready to invest in sea based floating solar batteries. H fuel is still sci fi. India and USA both have enormous coast lines. LFP enables electric transport! Economical wind power. Off-grid homes. These move from Sci fi to Rational economics-free speculation RSEF. [A Tesla slide presented during Battery Day revealed the $25,000 EV it plans to sell in three years will use LFP batteries, which makes a lot of sense. ]

Elon Musk is modern miracle man with several paradigm changes under his belt, feeding to themselves. Electric cars, homes and batteries by LFP, boring company city traffic and hyperloop long distance! And then reusable rockets! I summarize them as paradigm changes to fuel, city transport, intercity transport, utility backup and rockets. Achieving Doer rather than me as mere document er. If I succeed in harnessing government help, perhaps I become another 21 century paradigm changer in health span.

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