Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Plasma update for self and AMBAR


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What is aging?

Consider improved aging - I admit 3 methods only, Sinclair evolution, plasma update and Yamanaka factors based supplements and medicine. Unless scientific (i.e. experimental) evidence is produced, all other claims are stupid, damn democratic rights, such a person is time waster stupid. Note that this subject is about plasma update, my mistake that parabiosis implied magic proteins in young and its correction.

Similar experiments?

Let us introduce the Spanish company Grifols who make and sell Albutein®, capable of being like albumin in  human blood and their claim that their stuff reduced Alzheimer's and proved their claim with AMBER (Alzheimer Management by Albumin Replacement) clinical tests for FDA and European FDA equivalent. Their process is exactly like my plan - dilute 50% of blood by extracting and discarding the plasma and replacing it with saline and albumin! Except they did it once per week for 6 months and another 6 months of reduced amount. I will add NMN and pterostilbene for self. To bypass liver. Reported and analyzed in this. I consider them just diluting old blood without blood loss by replacing it by saline and ANY albumin rather than their product with UCB proof on mice!

Expect from procedure?

Let use AD for  Alzheimer Disease. In Oldies, AD leads to intellectual losses measured by objective psychological scales. Using these, the measurements improved by making deterioration slower by like 50% slower! Here is efficacy proof missing! Now I can proceed with the strong belief I will benefit, I know Advantages of chemicals I add by Dr. Sinclair! Be very wary, wrong NMN grade will kill you and many other  factors.  

What if it works?

If it works for me, Using FDT, You are welcome to benefit. T expect 20 year benefit from a new one-year program, largely wasting blood and ingesting saline, in an IV in a doctor's clinic. Once self-proven, reduce to 1 month if possible, procedure will cost you $30,000 in the USA, and $10,000 in India with 5* stay and breakfast for 1 month and free trip!

How fresh and why freshness important?

Nov 2020 : Plasma dilution improves cognition and attenuates neuroinflammation in old mice.

Consider technology adoption curve. There is always an early adopter period. It is also in investment. Depending on applications, early period companies barely survive. The period is for all successful technologies. Any moron can tell on success and one can talk of 100-fold growth in hindsight in retrospect. Can you predict forward? Claim you can, after analyzing the technology, how new, how efficacious, how wide the application (population benefitted) and how good the management is in chasing the beneficiaries. The investigators are scientist and aloof from money. Links are all within 6 months. Crucial is the fact no one has done FTD try on humans. There are no reported persons considering the human risks and benefits coldly and logically. Exactly as FDA, issues are safety and efficacy. Safety is vitamins and FDA approved application to auto-immune diseases. Indirect efficacy is effects on mice and AMBAR. So self-risk is low.

Instability difference

Can't forget next

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