Monday, February 1, 2021

Covid. RNA vaccine, Aging


Covid-19 etc
There has been a huge misunderstanding. Between May 2020 and now, we've moved five vaccines into phase III trials, two have been authorized, two are completing phase III—and one of those could be approved imminently. One other vaccine is in phase iii.

AA take home

Moderna name is from Modification to RNA – A brand-new technique that revolutionizes slow illnesses like heart, Alzheimer etc and aging (despite FDA, AA calls it a disease). Many vaccines  are not just India (Dr. Sinclair family methods, plasma replacement) are one shot and not applicable to slow diseases like heart, cancer, Alzheimer, Parkinson etc and of course aging.

My guess solidifies!

It started from a chance observation of mother – COVID-19 is strange, every victim is in well-to-do class, none in laborers, small shopkeeper etc, despite the fact they practice frequent violation of COVID-19 rules! Look at damn Pakistani!

Immunity for whom?

My brain digested this. Either it was food which gave them immunity or sun. Sun sounded better as all above 35 parallel were hit hard! Example were USA, Britain, Europe etc. What gave me big pause – darker the skin, more was COVID-19 damage. Learned something magic few days ago – vitamin D3 lack, very counter-intuitive, lack was proportional to color of skin! Darker skins! The Point is that darker skin people avoid sun, forced if poor! In the US, COVID-19 deaths are proportional to color of skin! Apparently the out-of-work people get their dole and avoid sun! And mind you, our group was inundated with Modi lack of wisdom re fight with pandemic! We were wrong, letters? D3 is sun or ingested as additive or supplement. High D3 is why President Trump flew in Florida after corona discharge! And Pfizer sank him by refusing to talk before elections! Strange science/engineering, reverse of climate change.

What next after ODF?

USA is smart, public health people have forced fluoride in water and D3 in milk! Wish our government did so. After ODF, when done, to the next step – no hand contact and compulsory bidet system, skip paper step! Then water floss, skip thread floss! Two public health steps to improve on the USA! In 50  years, India should surpass the USA!

What did you just gain?

Science Feb 2021 Puzzle  solving.


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