Saturday, February 13, 2021

Aasign - Reliable Authentic signatures


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Basic are four functions

1 Aaencrypt (key, serial integer,  source string → target string)  also

2 Aadecrypt (key, target string → source string, serial number)


Whenever you write a letter and give a serial number for encryption of source and serial  by Aaencrypt app, it returns the target string which you send to the destination. The destination reverses the encrypted serial and reuses the app to get serial number, encrypted to fooling any analyst to preserve even serial number info.

An article is different, here we want authenticated content to go without worry about secrecy. Adding the authenticating code to article content can be auto-checked for all edits or authorship

The method is not for full transparency but responsible transparency i.e. to all who can legally deny any interest in using the method or its variant for encryption or compare to it.

3 Aaauthenticate (article, type publish information → authenticated article)

4 Aacheck (article → okay | error=code, type publish information)

First append publish and authentication information to the article. Aacheck is passed any authenticated article and returns who author are, edition, publication date etc, error if not.

How does authentication work?

Work off the USA standard digest SHA-256 or newer.

How will 'my signatures' work?

Given any text, a standard digest is made to huge integers. The digest-article, listed authors, date, edition, size etc make a virtual group article. Any virtual-group can be digested too. Every group-digest becomes index into a Trent table of integers. The entry is copied and group-digest signature-checked against Trent. If genuine then match exists, is successful and document true, properties as derived from integer or auto-read from document! Simple automation makes it into type-writer cost automatic verifier with all!

But you make no money from Aasign?

Wrong. NSA-proof solution is transparent quantum-resistant computation ONE-WAY (easy in one direction but not the other). The computations can be made transparent reverse-engineering-proof but safe by many Trent and their computations in tested isolated enclosed-hardware only. Verification of some NP-complete and one-way is elementary! The Hard part is with Trent, easy part with you. Online conversations with Trent are end-to-end encrypted! You can/must check every answer Trent gives.

How does perfect forward secrecy PSF work?

 PSF means loss of entire system numbers still keeps every old message/s safe! It is part of the system. Note that any system can be made PFS by exchanging the new random system using the old system first and using the new for one message only!

How does encryption work?

Standard encryption like AES is used for text. My magic is in constructing the key, method disclosure requiring responsible transparency, hence stop here. n*n connections are basic to Aacryption.

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