Saturday, February 6, 2021

Paradigmism application - Farmer agitation


This gives compact scientific application of my Paradigming to Farmer agitation. More, it gives a reason for all else to oppose strongly the so called and punish so called and their foreign supporters back to the slits they have emerged from, after the abuse of national symbols in Delhi on Jan 26. Paradigm thinking is from aping the great professor Dr. Jerome Feldman.

The Basic to the application of Paradigming is to invert the solution and think about the issues, as well as examine why the participants face a Paradigm shift. The paradigm that is shifting in India farmers is from several hundred years of shortages (all of British Raj and congress littered post independence.). Producing more but selling the produce! Well-to-do farmers are in Punjab and Haryana. Hence, the Sikh-Jat unity.

The fight is between 95% annadata kisans and 5% rich so called, who happen to be physically and historically stronger. Yet they are scared and clueless against UP Yogi! Remember CAA. So-called AAM admi of Delhi was involved for agitators then and now. Brutality on Delhiites and Haryana but never in UP! Yogi punishes, liberals and commies give respect.

Well, now the days of scarcity are over. Benefits in Punjab (Sikh) Haryana+Western UP (Jat) have to be shared to other 95% and that scares them! While Modi exists, not much happens. Even if center accedes to 3-laws and MSP, detractors in jail for Delhi violence, evil riots in Delhi, treason in anti-CAA, the attacks on CAA, then 370 abolition. Finally, Modi!

Let us invert propositions. The 3-laws are bad. Unlimited MSP is good. What happens? 3-laws benefit 95%, irrelevant to 5%, force-fed wrong commie lies on mandi vanish, benefits to usual commie villains free market icons (Ambani+Adani say they were not interested and now will not enter!), bad world trade. Point is no benefits to 5%, perhaps to 95%, laws try but cannot control world price. The money comes from my and all else development funds! N ow farmer and opposition has united it is not scare-mongering.

What happens in MSP law? Evil villains are smart enough keeping out of mandi, government can not buy and has no storage (inefficient as all government work (mice love it), Capital government does not have). So govt stops at current MSP But all other farmers demand procurement like Sikh+Jat, meaning share goes down! Only loser are current well-to-do farmers. MSP is zero-sum game. Govt. can't sell since MSP is more than price! Look at the USA. Farmers have strong-armed govt early 20th century. Average income of farmer is 1.5 times national average! Every Indian and 95% farmer lose if current strong-arm wins. While Modi there, MSP will not increase, 95% farmers remain fucked.

Hence, all us are screwed if strong-arm works. Every time people escape market discipline, others lose. When all escape, soviet Russia happens, even with Russian ingenuity.

As a scientist, I am particularly offended by Punjab farmers growing a lot of RICE these days for MSP! It fucks their kids as water table has dropped fast, This when they have a lot of water that Jat farmers of Haryana need.

There are two solutions. My old one was dumping the problem on states, doable because farming in the constitution is a joint subject. Sir S Swami has independently advocated that with proper political finesse. My new one is tie MSP to acreage. Start with current, rationalizing with time. There is a third,

I like because it implies opposition decimation. Post Bengal elections use real force. Stalemate losses to nation have to stop, even if well-to-do will survive till then with no losses till then VIEWED AS INVESTMENTS. Stop MSP procurement from Punjab and Haryana to give rights to every one else. Then shoot in defense!

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