Friday, September 25, 2020

undoing ageing


 These are truly unique wonderous times. For the first tme in human history, a true scientific path to undoing aging is within reach. Whine philosophy is minimized, scientific means within the capability of legal MD, irrelevant are belief systems of the beneficiary, like allopathic medicine effectiveness is the same for sinners, criminals and upright citizens.

There are many ideas on undoing ageing, referenced in past. I BRIEFLY MENTION THE ONES I WILL FOLLOW. There are other methods that may become more important in futute, so there is no total commitment on way to proceed, except lifelong commitment to evaluate. This attitude can be taken by me as a follower of research, not a researcher, but even here I have to restrict for saving time and reference lookup costs. I am smart enough to know my limitations and that certain references need to be followed, while others can be ignored for being support for simple things or similar or identical to ones already followed.

non-science methods?

All guru, tomes, witnesses are uniformly all bullshit. Have no time to waste even listening, leave interning!


Veins of mice  of distinct age are sugrically joined to a common circulatory system. The rates of elder mice and younger mice are compared to similar free mice. Recovery from injuries, disease, stress and digestion of the elder mice are found improved.

One does not have to resort to parbiosis ghoulish effects to benefit. The same effects can be obtained by inserting young plasma. Plasma recovery is twice as fast as blood donation, without the fatigue felt after blood donation. This happens because the donated blood is filtered to remove the red cells which are reinserted in the donee. Plasma donation is simpler as blood type distinctions are missing and plasma banking is easier. Plasma can be sold twice a week!

The reason why plasma suffices is that it carries hormones and dissolved organics. What they are,is not known and there is no reason but science, to know. Clearly, the plasma can be enriched, equal to iv add of the chemicals. The whole idea of parbiosis is to undoing ageing, not knowing what ageing is!

One of the most useful effects of Covid is to use plasma in a similar way by transferring anti-bodies to the patient! Delhi has recovery bank blessed by the government. Certainly, the government will not object to repurposing the technology developed!


While more developed (Columbia runs an age reduction trial, each member of test coughs up milion dollars), I will not follow because lab scientists have reported failures to now. Additionally, mice have perfect telomeres but live 3 years! The trial above, till results prove me wrong, is snake oil for the gullible!

Yamanaka factors?

Yamanaka-factors revolutionize and ethicize genetics. Determined by very hard experimental work, twenty five chemicals were very smartly  screened to 4 OSKC, which when applied to any DNA convert to its pluripotent form (that is prior to differentiation!)

Most exciting to me is Horvath clock demethylation of the epigenome. Horvath identified 373 sites in human genome DNA (experimentally) and showed that calendar age could be predicted from this biological age (bioage) to  within 3.6 years. You need to measure methyl concentrations at these points. Improvements by US companies has allowed them to claim within 1.6 years. Bioage is very important since it allows science of ageing. Epi-mark are better than DNA-marks! Most importantly, underlying DNA is fixed in the womb. This allows eventual scientific fountain-of-youth.

With proper schedule, the OSK (C only induces cancers) can be used at low amount which reduce ages of differentiated cells without losing the differentiation! Thus drugs can be made for avoiding ageing specific to differentiation.

One can even operate genitically in Cas-9 cuts and restore within the selected context of cas-9. The dajnger is lack of specificity of context which may appear many times. No one has implemented (to my knowledge) additional contexts by surgery. Idea is to remove small chunks through surgery, perform cas-9 updates and surgically replace the amount! The genetic manipulation is now surgically enhanced! This is not useful in the past but very possible in laproscopic surgery!

How Yamanaka factors are the best way.

There’s a preprint from David Sinclair’s Harvard laboratory, posted on BioRxiv but not yet published, with very encouraging news for those of us who think that resetting the epigenetic (methylation) clock is a path to anti-aging.

study from the University of Exeter in England focused on the reverse aging of human genes by focusing on senescent cells and what are called splicing factors. The latter is a type of protein involved helping genes express themselves normally, but as we age, the process of senescence, or a state in which cells stop dividing and slip into a state of growth arrest without dying, causes the cells to be inactive and essentially turn off.

Is Arun finally a mental gone case or harbinger of tidings that are essential to all friends. Answer is believability, in this case the top cetainly conservative science magzine the scientific American over 150 years! 

Aging Is Reversible—at Least in Human Cells and Live Mice

The researchers found that by applying a compound commonly found in wine and foods such as dark chocolate and blueberries called resveratrol, they can actually reverse senescence and cause the splicing factors to reactivate.

Research has indicated that aging is actually an epigenetic process, or in other words it is often fueled by nongenetic forces, such as the environment we live in. A 2016 study published in Cell found that by tweaking genes that turn adult cells back into embryoniclike cells (pluripotent), scientists were able to manipulate the behavior of human skin cells.

The researchers found that by applying a compound called resveratrol, they can actually reverse senescence and cause the splicing factors to reactivate.

One of things I do - 1gm reservatol per day, Rs. 6000 (thousand) for 6 month supply, copying Dr. Sinclaire (Harvard), discoverer of why we age! Redo nmn, nr, or nad when can get prescription for iv or injection form.

Can Science Reverse Aging?

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