The Best destruction of all religions is choice is between hormesis and temperance, stupid if always temperance (every religion!), most normal humans have never heard of hormesis and even consider it as a possibility.
The thesis I advocate (only for developed) is that hormesis applies too often and usual politics of both liberal and conservatives is demonstrably stupid, only horrnetic ideology I propose will fly. A liberal follows LNT (linear no threshold) policy as default when not aware, A conservative follows the flat step method when not aware. Note that we have not specified subject! When that is introduced, both sides present their ideological good statements, evil for the other side! I propose that both are stupid!
Car speed: Liberal :all speed kills, not enough safety gear. Conservative: all accidents are driver faults or bad conditions. Hormetic: decide on required safety gear beyond which driver fault. Hormetic: Insurance never pays beyond limits, unless self-insured.
Radiation: Liberal : all radiation kills or bad, not enough safety gear. Conservative: all accidents are patient faults or bad conditions., all radiation kills or bad. Hormetic: not all bad, decide on required safety intercept;r beyond which driver fault. Insurance never pays beyond limits, unless self-insured.
Disease: All bad, doctor decides ever a bean counter, medical advice on all injuries, all pay equally IE proportionally to income, equitable costing. Conservative: freedom to pay and choose, no transfer of costs. Hormetic: No care to a limit. Universal up to a second limit. Government pools for some with cost control. Profit rates for not limited population.
The Stupidest treatment system I know is homeopathy, in it, you make a drug stronger by fractionizing its strength! It works with low dose (hormesis region min) when the benefit really increases with lowering concentration! Stupidity is from generalizing a very small region. In fact, the hormesis region is likely small, except in some cases, and may not exist! It all de3pends on scientific analysis of the stressors, any arbitrary claims are stupid.
An example of large hormesis region is weight lifting, stressors of weights, beneficiary muscle. Jerky snatches are better than slow raising of weights. Any good LNT is an example of zero sized hormesis region.
The very big critic of wall-street (and not an anti-capitalist) is Talib who has attacked stupid use of statics in all money matters in the extreme by finding out empirically that extreme of distributions has fat IE extreme even happen with much greater probability than that predicted by normal distribution! For example, so-called 100-year floods happen much more often than 100 years. Markets have 2008 like crisis much more frequently than assumptions in option pricing (because of normal distribution assumption). Fractal distributions are wide spread in nature, far more than normal! Talib introduced the black swan as an example of supposed infrequent events happening far more often.
He has shown that black swan events are basic to human progress, no one can predict the future and its timing. I have taken it to heart, identify black swan events as those with paradigm shift, and can even explain the farmer agitation in India in those terms. Arrival of Modi in 2014 is also a black swan or paradigm shift moment for India.
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