Wednesday, March 10, 2021

MEDICINAL VACCINES: 4th actionable mehod


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I'm not a doctor, medical professional, or trained therapist. I'm a researcher and pragmatic biohacking practitioner exercising free speech to share evidence as I find it. I make no claims. Please practice skepticism and rational critical thinking. You should consult a professional about any serious decisions that you might make about your health.

I was astonished to so rapid a return on my previous notice, interesting for science reasons only, crystal clear understanding of this! I claimed that cancer and aging are closely related. The First problem in cancer is marking the evil cells. Once marked, somehow killing can be developed. But the cancer cells (also aging) will ignore all apoptosis signals! Fortunately, both cancers and aging take time. While the infected cells ignore apoptosis signals, they in the vast majority of cases do express proteins. These all escape detection by bodies immune cells (T and V), as clear from cancer occurrence! Can happen to anyone, better chances as more age of patient

Normally, cells escaping apoptosis are not detected as foreign invaders and hunted down by immune cells. Sometimes identification takes time, happens and the patient recovers. Best a patient can do is keep cheerful as this cure is probabilistic and odds are against. What if some way could be found to train the immune cells to recognize the cancer apoptosis evaders as foreign, based on the expressed proteins? Likely, healthy cells do not express cancer proteins. Still have to think of how to apply to aging cells!

One way has been done is by planting an aspirin sized body near a lymph node, treatment now tested.

Medicinal vaccination i.e. vaccination cure after the cancer

So this is method 4 to explore! Just a thought for cancer cells and aging cells are likely different here.

What is involved in strengthening thymus? Drugs, supplements, plants?

How will I know if some Indian doctor will do Dana Farber fix, when, cost!

Can I request updates and other information?

This reference will provide a good review of my investigation.

How excited I am on reading that if you had the thymus of a 12-year-old, you would live a thousand years! Thymus declines thereafter and has increasing levels of fat. Every opportunistic disease gets the old, with declining white cells from thymus. Not many doctors know immunotherapy! That is why this vital subject escaped me so far!

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