Wednesday, March 17, 2021

asli(R)"Authentic Secure Licensed Inclusion"


I love this idea! It greatly expands words-from-phrases, to levels of NASA and beyond. Starting today, I declare a pause on biology depth since de-aging has been developed to actionable levels

Given that in the internet age, it is trivial to build arbitrary bit patterns by photo shop, deep learning and copying images, the goal for asli(R) sounds impossible. Not only will I convince you that it can be done (unless feigning stupidity), but that I still keep the implementation closed and hence can make money some day.

The general arya-method to solve similar problems is to construct a new image in the user that is a combination of writer and user interspersed. All inclusions are verified licensed and in proper place!

The concept of signature is one way. This is done by internet authority digest of the signatured item, encrypted by the licensee private, that follows after the image. If its encryption by licensee public yields the computed digest, we claim asli(R)signature. SHA-384 and asli(R)encryption is suggested.

Every sub-image to be checked asli(R) has a blank left column (or consumer error picture) if the sent sub-image is not licensed else a user chosen image kept encrypted locally. Its license number is also checked against the digest of the letter so far, to asli(R)check for inserted later.

Applications discussed here

Suppose the letter contains a password entry field which could be bank licensed, say in Amazon interaction, which requires another to sign as prime, yet another for registered user. Each of them must be properly licensed. No actor but the licensee needs to check or see the password! In fact once implemented, every company that fails to buy from me can and should be sued for abusing the customer finances by allowing passwords to be stolen! That is a different kind of selling!

Every single cracker on the internet can be embufarred by end-to-end encryption between the consumer and the licensee! I, of course, suggest asli(R)encryption with automatic encryption and decryption of field values. Neither consumer nor licensee need to be aware of encrypt-ions. One variant of asli(R)encryption deals with broadcast (many customers with one common encryption). Note that it cannot be used for funds where every one needs a distinct bank account, but can be used to distribute, examples are magazine issues and restrict audiences for many show dates.

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