Saturday, March 13, 2021

Actionable Politics of Aging


Actionable is my word that captures me - Actionable aging, actionable politics etc. That is not to minimize 99% of the rest, but often reading great researches, one wonders how it benefits me now or later. Who is doing supportable research application? How is the engineering of applications of great science being done and how can I benefit, provided I understand the risk.

The whole field of aging has forever been the domain of thugs, and will be. An FDA cannot exist that performs the complicated dance between the state, courts, legislation, markets and innovators since risk reduction means expanded extensive, time-consuming testing that will damage non-aging drugs expensively. It is incorrect to try to identify aging chemicals and non-aging chemicals. The only reasonable way is leave the FDA alone and depend on tested and proved medical tourism. In other words, reform but not reincarnate!

This means rules and regulation of the host country but USA inspectors. Some drug trade is conducted along these lines, creating trust in foreign products. It can be extended to service industries too. Dentistry procedures in the USA are quite expensive, but there is no way a citizen can locate trustworthy dentists in India, Thailand etc. It applies to UK and European countries too.

Medical tourism is and maximally strongly opposed by stakeholders in medical services in the USA! Every valid objection can be removed by USA inspectors, not just for the USA but others as well. FDA determinations are not just used in the USA but the entire world.

Hence, my political choice - Controlled medical tourism. It is in conjunction with, and nowhere required to impact national systems directly. One can raise the nefarious nationalist bogey against, trivially fixed by stopping medical tourism to that country! Commies and other moronic objections can be handled so! The essential fear is the continuation of evergreen thuggery, but easy to answer. To consider India, many methods are not considered even as practice of medicine in the west but effects no one in the west! There is a flourishing FDA compliant allopathic wing (called modern medicine mm by me) whose graduates are welcome in the west.

One of the greatest initiative of Dr. de Grey is creation-time support of aging companies which, in my opinion, are the new unicorns of tomorrow, but likely to be ethical too. One such company is Bioviva.

I hope my company will be on that path.

I have identified three actionable paths for aging, soft paths, BNBE, and thymus. I have all methods derived from Yamanaka methods as Doctor territory. There is a fifth method which may or may-not be actionable. It related to the current axiom of medicine that I disagree with, the lengthening of telomere. I do not believe that non-standard aging intervention to lengthen telomere will boost age, I consider them as indicators of age and a side effect to aging intervention just like Horovith aging. Bioviva has an age extension procedure that did lengthen the telomere by about 20 years! There is a clinical trial in progress in Columbia. The team charged a million dollars for being part of the test and I think Columbia was chosen to bypass USA laws, but I will change it some on results and fully when the participant get extended age!

It remains to be seen whether Libella has truly tapped the fountain of youth, but given the dubious nature of their clinical trials, potential participants may want to exercise caution before relocating to Colombia and shelling out $1 million for a chance to live longer.

Here is something to learn and keep in the back of yo0ur mine when diagnosed with unfix-able disease - world has moved to new methods likely unknown to your doctor being immunothereapy, single gene genetic fixes and credible aging improvement methods, called soft-methods and BNBE.

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