Friday, March 26, 2021

Updated Weltanschauung


At my center is not RS, rational stoicism or skepticism, both derived from Socrates. My efforts at Aging amelioration are better described by Rational Estimated Risk, where risk is taken because no one knows the future, even the scientist who can simplify and model hard systems and is a true skeptic. Such a person is always lost, truly stupid in investing (like Sir father), product markets, psychology etc, the quintessential absent-minded professor. Every intelligent decision in my life is RER if future is involved, even winning the world bridge championship once in Las Vegas in 1984!


Every future event satisfies a dynamic probability! Philosophically choice is between hormesis and temperance, stupid if always temperance (every religion!), most normal humans have never heard of hormesis and even consider it as a possibility. Only empiricism can decide. Science is RS and can not decide the future of complex systems. All usual statistics is screwed because it fails to allow back swan events (fatter tails of real world distributions), wrongly assumes normal distribution, can't explain fractals like shape of coastline or future of markets or unknown risks.!

Why risk in aging amelioration?

Rationality screams don't risk it, But otherwise, don't see how I can fix inherited diabetes, heart and essential tremors past 80, which is when walking itself is hard! All my aunts and uncles are dead, my father suffered least but did, after 80, damaged late despite lifelong yoga till 80, 45 min daily. Why? In the end of 8 years, walking 250 m per day was a hard chore for him, let alone yoga! True sadness descended on him every time once, acquaintances reminded him to do yoga to eliminate aging troubles. Don't ever act a doctor to a sick! I walk 3 km/day but how long? My stamina is 1.5 km, so need two sessions!

My estimation of aging risks?

My uncles were dead about 75, suffered 8-10 years, starting 64 which I am! My father, uncles and aunts on both side, shared my genetics. End of life 8-10 years debilitation seems to be the rule. My father aggregated 13 more years from Yoga but had similar end of life health span IE bad! I will try aging to escape the end of life debilitation. I did not practice physical exercise in adult young adult life, did last 15 years and must do better! I intend to pass the 1yr-extension-per-year singularity and all my sins will matter not since aging is genetic, not medical, and nature preserves the birth DNA under the epi-genome!

So rationality part in me says do I risk avoiding 3 years of potential debilitation, 3 years hence, FDA gives a result or does not result by then, formation of medical tourism company, how one decide on wait time? The whole thing may become  irrelevant with Yamanaka factor medicines and supplements, the best if operating company by then. Undo the age-methyl and reverses age.

 Option that looks best now is NMN only, TPE later. NMN/Pterostilbene/metformin/acarbose/betaine alone can perhaps let me exercise! IF it fails, can always do TPE after 1 year.

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