Friday, March 19, 2021

Bio robotic weltanschauun



Pragmatics is required from readers - while bio robotics is unknown at this point, you are spending time at least reading it and hence must give it some belief even while you compare it to your own Weltanschauung (comprehensive conception or apprehension of the world especially from a specific standpoint)! I refuse any Guru intention beyond this.

Before getting into it, one must use a truth asserting and derivation methods. Science as a set of falsifiable statements investigatives and  empiricism for values. Quantum (IE linear) logic is used for derivations.

Now precise use of some words. A word acquires unexpected meanings once found useful in selling, speeches, theory etc. needed, bior prefix before a word implies as defined in official Bio robotics.

Quite independent of topic, evolution is assumed predefined. Of many such theories is a common one we use - punctuated equilibrium wherever implied. We believe punctuated evolution is why life exists and how bacteria and viruses mutate. Evolution is how companies populate a market. Evolution is how ideas are made. Bio robotics views a paradigm as a punctuation in evolution and disruption as paradigm shift. Every disruption can not be forecast, hence a punctuation in evolution but can be retro-forecast by stupids only.

Basic to Bio robotic Weltanschauung is the belief that humans are nature's robots, an axiomatic external but operable faith that human destiny is cyborg, with conversion of brain information to transmittable bits and brain attachments of any machine as an organ, assumed interfaced to direct brain circuits. The universe is a quantum information construct. Human destiny is to become light transmittable entities interfaced to whatever machine available and paid for. Immortality is a consensus of multiple backups.

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