Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Yamanaka factor research start


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I'm not a doctor, medical professional, or trained therapist. I'm a researcher and pragmatic biohacking practitioner exercising free speech to share evidence as I find it. I make no claims. Please practice skepticism and rational critical thinking. You should consult a professional about any serious decisions that you might make about your health.

I have actionable supplement methods and TPE based methods with some minor risk. I now turn to Non-actionable methods having exhausted the actionable category. All references next are part of scientific knowledge and must be cleared and suggested by a doctor! The entire third line is based on Yamanaka factors and pulsed use of a subset in living animals. After the research is done, it will be first tested against cancer patients. There is NO reasonable way to handle them in modern medicine, patients are there who will likely benefit, As a scientist, I can say with enormous experience that cancer fix and aging fix go together. Impossible to separate the progress, and hence a population benefiting from the risk. With other methods, I choose knowingly, to benefit aging diseases.

Science, based on very long experience (20 years), is the first in claim of aging versus cancers. This is based on two central experimental (hence scientific) results, one that OSKM factors reprogram any cell to its pluripotent state (magic that purged religious morons out of science, magic as scientists were expecting very complex processing by female cell in fertilization!) and finding that low pulsed ingesting of OSK was tolerated quite well by life. Just cutting out  of M was enough to destroy reversion which meant cancers. These were joined by Horvath work that related methylation at Cp sites to calendar age and death. These convert aging into a science because all procedures can be tested and compared. Every religious and social moron claims to benefit humanity's age benefits provided their methods are followed. There is no distinction between these idiots and my certainty of it will snow in Simla, same day, year 2999; or a loan to me to repay on any dates 2999 to be repaid then (Complicated versions drive income tax officials very angry)!

 Claim I make is that cancer and aging are related. Prior to cancer metastization, a cancer is like local senescence of a cell that ignores all apoptosis signals. It becomes persistent life waste that occupies valuable space and causes senescence-like in neighbors. Exactly what aging does, except that aging does not affect neighbors! There is no way to select intelligently. Surgical removal is not possible as you have to get all, impossible with chaotic growth! Chemotherapy targets a lot of good cells. I have scientific hope that vaccine make RNA methods will allow targeted selection.

My science tells me that medical people will sow up this genetic engineering and drive its price to unreasonable levels. It applies to Cancers and medical intervention makes sense. It applies to aging, and I am dead against Doctors because of other methods. My political belief is that the developed world will try to restrict competition and some, like India and Mexico, will not the blackmailed. However, on defeat, the task of beneficial control will have to allow illegal/quantum tunneling!

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