Saturday, March 13, 2021

Fixing the thymus

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Not only does it extend age, but improves immunity against pathogens; that means provide extended health span. Immunotherapy is strengthening bodies own defenses against invaders by T and V cells present in the blood by identification of all invaders, apoptosis-evader or senescent cells. So trained gives you 1000 years. T cells come from the thymus. The adult pluripotent stem cell uses V stem cells, [Very Small Embryonic Like Stem Cells], also referred to as V-Cells. They are also called peripheral blood stem cells, blastomeres or stembios cells. Formed in bone marrow, they are approximately 1/3rd the size of other adult stem cells and are non-tumorigenic.

Previous write-up asked

What is involved in strengthening thymus? Drugs, supplements, plants?

How will I know if some Indian doctor will do Dana Farber fix, when, cost!

Can I request updates and other information?

Before going on, let me first tell you of the wonderful discovery - aging website of the great man Dr de Grey which is collectively far greater than my notes. Here is it. Crucial to view is this summary :

Many research groups have primarily focused on finding possible strategies to rejuvenate the thymus and have developed promising therapeutic approaches. However, few molecules and genes such as KGF, IL-22, IL-7, and Foxn1 have been identified as key players of the mechanistic pathway for endogenous thymic regeneration. Growth factors and hormone therapies were also explored in order to restore age-related or injury-related thymic degeneration, but, despite encouraging results, they have short-term effects and/or require a recurrent administration, which is complicated by their toxic effects on other tissues and organs.

Thymus transplantation represents another promising alternative to complement bone marrow transplantation or to treat congenital thymic anomalies, but T-cell reconstitution following thymus grafting is frequently incomplete and transient, complicated by a skewed T-cell receptor repertoire and an increased occurrence of autoimmunity.

Other master Dr. Sinclair has not been idle. He is raising money to launch a company whose mechanism is novel and expands my horizons as it is a SPAC. God knows what the target is, I hope to launch in May or June provided BNBE works on me!

Now the questions. Nobody knows why thymic atrophy, or involution, occurs, but it happens in all vertebrates, starting really at the age of puberty. Some have suggested that it happens to save energy, since the production of properly qualified T cells is very energy intensive and inefficient, and of course, at puberty, the body begins to devote more energy to reproduction, which might require a trade-off against using energy for immune maintenance.

Drugs for Thymus?

Essentially online or needing prescription. I find entirely appropriate to request a doctor to prescribe them for me, checking me first, to boost immunity. But I have no disease needing drugs.

Supplements for thymus?

Amazon sells many. Pure Thyme Essential Oil 10ml- Thymus Vulgaris is example. It seems to be a fix for cold, flu, lung diseases, asthma, arthritis, cancers etc. It will help against COVID-19? It is best taken with vaccination! Found no one taking it for health span. Dr. Greg Fahy – Rejuvenating the Thymus to Prevent Age-related Diseases.

Plants for thymus?

Plant profile for thymus.

Immunotherapy in India?

What is Immunotherapy? Is Immunotherapy in India used for Cancer Patients?

In fact, wrong thing follow newness of immunotherapy, it is not used as a frontline method of cancer despite it being closest to Ayurveda and Unnani! Somehow, cancer has become associated with immunotherapy. It is to strengthen the inner immunity of the body to fight off infection! There is thing called Hygiene hypothesis that attributes extra immunity of south Asians as due to a whole set of childhood infections solved by no care of the children, unlike the American mothers! Most children survive the little infections and strengthen the immune system. Even in India, the depth of ravages of Corona aligns negatively with citizen income! The Same happens in China and Africa.

Guess what! The death rates were low in all these regions, the biggest victims were in the USA and United Kingdom and Europe, the developed part of the world! Clearly I have different views on some matters, opposite of general sentiment!

I claimed that COVID-19 deaths were independent of political power that be, no one is better or worse, yet most class were either pro-modi or against! Again our class is split, one part believes congress achieved independence, other part believes revolutionaries or Bose-likes. I believe that 1945 labor defeated the Tories and to spite the damn capitalists & Tories and render a socialist world, wanted to get out of being imperial power. Not only British newspapers of the era support me but also that all the British colonies of that era were made independent! Whether they had flowering independence movement or not! It is best to stay quiet and not be killed in dual attack on some issues. God knows how idiotic I sound, when Farmer agitation is opposed by me for non-modi free market rules like the conservatives! But I learned to keep my Trump image quiet. The man's reputations could not be harmed more by his enemies!

Request updates?

Seems to be pointless since the thymus and immunology links I encountered were 2018 end and the world has moved two years ahead! Now one can even have a sane discussion on results, not just venture informed guesses.

Surgical (grafting) direction

As reported here.

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