Monday, March 8, 2021

Closure for a while


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Subject is aging. The Best review found is this. USA government says this. Today is my last essay on BNBE or Beneficial Neutral Plasma Exchange (my new phrase) FOR DILUTING BLOOD AND MORE, for a while. This is because I am committed to BNBE on self but open to medical advice. By my own count, I will be ready middle of May. That gives me enough time.

Why need time?

1. I got the first dose of corona vaccine today. (March 8). Second dose is April 6 or later. After second dose, immunity reaches plateau after 30 days. That is May 6. No need to dawdle then. So May, second week on, depending on TPE availability. Pointless in detail-think about benefits now. The worst case is some pain and failed TPE in its mission. Average expectation is benefit to heart, diabetes and age. In any case, self-imposed isolation ends the second week of may, actually April 30 when may attend a marriage.

2. Three months to set up BNBE, data collection, doctor advice including the cancellation of this project. Note that I am not seeking life extension but improvement in my aging diseases and strongly believe that work in this direction will be done in the USA and available in 3 years. Till then, Yamanaka factor supplements may hit the market. So delay may be useful.

What if average success?

Reopen two fascinating projects for mushroom farming in orchards of UP and high orchard cover with sun-sensitive optical electric panels feeding to State Grid. Both represent paradigm shift, are doable (after repeated experimentation) and represent two of many ideas for doubling income from orchards I own. India will love electricity from non-stealable heights and additional produce to meet growing population with fixed land sizes.

Useful update

Pterostilbene has the remarkable property of being a general broad spectrum antibacterial/bug in some plants over resveratrol!


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