Sunday, March 14, 2021

Immunothereapy treatments

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As explained earlier, cancer and aging are closely related. Advances in cancers hugely impact aging. Both are treatments of apoptosis evaders. But immunotherapy of cancers is easier since cancerous cells have an expressed chemical difference to aged cells, they have chemical protein markers and hence can be selected and killed. As I explained earlier, I do not have an answer just then for aging. It requires to be thought.

Applying immunotherapy for aging may be expensive in the near future. Below will give costs. Certainly, it looks to be the expensive forms of aging medication!

Immunotherapy in India as compared to other developed countries:


Cost (In Rupees)


₹1,00,000- ₹4,30,000

United States

₹1,22,44,500.00- ₹1,36,05,000


₹53,31,830.00- ₹58,60,523.05


₹8,24,951.46- ₹10,58,254.03

Immunotherapy cost in India is very low as compared to the other countries like US, UK and Singapore.

The above graph shows that there is a huge difference in the cost of immunotherapy in India and other countries.

Let us tell you why there is such a wide difference in the cost between the countries?

  • Indian currency: The major reason of this huge difference in immunotherapy cost in India is the currency. The Indian currency is quite low as compared to dollar, euro, etc. Thus, the cost of the treatment is less than compared to other countries.

  • Living cost: The living cost in India is almost 65% lower s compared to the other developed countries. Therefore, you can get all the facilities at a very low cost.

  • Competition: Well, India is a place where you have abundant choices of hospitals. All these hospitals offer a variety of medical treatment. So, therefore you can choose as per your convenience from a wide range of hospitals.

Let us tell you how such a wide difference in the cost between the countries, is justified?

Consider USA/Canada. There is shown a flood of people on the Canadian border purchasing their drugs in Canada. The Answer is another ad of Canadians buying drugs in the USA because the drugs are not available there. Applies to Mexican border as well except there the additional huge argument is tremendous quality difference of drug versus colored water or worse.

Regardless, can you use it whenever?

Immunotherapy is to train the patient's own immune system to find and kill the bad cells who conveniently have cancer protein expression. This is done by extracting T cells from the patient's blood, reprogramming them in the lab and restoring them in the patient. This will not work with aged cells that have no markers! But something can be done! This is by deep study of the apoptosis path itself, Cell that ignore apoptosis, do so by evading a part of the path.

Apoptosis has an internal path based on mitochondrial signaling, or external signal. Clearly, doing something wrong is far easier than a perfect biological reaction! It took evolution 3 billion years to perfect the first cells with Sinclair DNA break fix. A complex post-apoptosis process must result in perfect suicide of the cell so that it can be garb aged and successfully evicted! Depending on the reason for apoptosis and step not performed, the chemical internals of the cell are different. So if chemical garbage collects in the bad cells only, then it must somehow enter all cells and then kill those who have not done what they should have, otherwise good cells will die too. It is called throwing the baby with used water! This method is possible, but projected costs are astronomical and chasing it further a waste of time. Now the problems are understood, one can intelligently ignore breakthrough news later, cancers and aging.

Virtual cancer (Arya method) to apply Immunotherapy to aging

Here is my idea. The entering chemical in a cell expresses a new protein, after entering a cell, after checking it is wrong in apoptosis and if so, then marking the cell through the cell skin with a virtual cancer expression. Standard cancer immunotherapy happened hereon. Not all senescent cells need to be marked, if only senescent cells of a certain type are marked with some success. Patient may have to ingest some drugs prior to immunotherapy! In fact, the patient may be told about percent expected success depending on percent success of the virtual marker as a fraction of senescent cells if in blood like white cells! In all cases, estimate of marking through MRI etc imaging, is an excellent diagnostic tool. The marks can be different based on cell specialization. The drug may be a cocktail.

Success Rate of immunotherapy in India

The success rate of immunotherapy in India has seen a tremendous increase. The five - year survival rate of immunotherapy has increased from 5.5% in 2012 to 28 % in 2019. While other cancer treatments like chemotherapy, radiation, etc. cannot give this high survival rate at the stage IV cancer, immunotherapy becomes one of the leading choice to get better results.


To be done, if DNBE works on me, in a dedicated India/International/Intergalactic Aging Institute facility with first station in Delhi or NOIDA.

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