Sunday, January 30, 2022

Top Age reductions

 Overview 2022


My colleagues and their loved ones continue to die, no one has reported, despite their attempts to apply, cutting-edge technology. It must mean one or more of


1.     Unfamiliarity with modern aging science

2.     Knowledge but conscious decision to escape likely useless expense

3.     Lack of belief from some kind of fatalism, luck, religion, etc.


About #3, everyone has the right to be stupid, except our civilization will advance to a state where such morons will be charged with murder of responsibility. The same applies to greedy of #2. People in #1 will be charged with negligent homicide, exactly like the accident-involved driver.


The only tolerated defense is I tried in this way (of top scientist) after reading and still failed.


Who are these top scientists and why?


Every person who argues anything not empirical is a meta-moron. All in the top list did Nobel quality work (acknowledged in the aging community by the overwhelming majority) and followed by delivering another such research.


There are only a few, found by continuous work of 20 years


The whole top field of Aging

1. Dr de Grey, for introducing/developing an engineering approach to the aging problem and senolytics

2. Dr. Sinclair, for NMN and 2019 theory of Aging

3. Dr. Yamanaka for inventing Yamanaka factors and iPSC.

4. Dr.Horvath for DNAm/GrimAge and Eutherian applicability of methylation

5. Drs. Conboys for initial heterochronic parabiosis and not young blood but plain albumin works

6. Dr. Greg Fahy for TRIIM and TRIIM-X

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