Thursday, January 20, 2022

My TOP Health Targets

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I have certain health problems. The question immediately is why by supplements and not by Allopathy that I believe so strongly in. Why trust in Allopathy, but so little in Allopath? Why can you learn from my experience without dangers?...

My health problems, which arise from my past experience and genetics, are diabetes, heart - post-CABG, osteoarthritis, instability, and age (current generic strength-loss, forgetfulness, cancer fears, covid-19, boosting immune). Already on the cusp of a 65-80year decline. The exact reasons are irrelevant, (learnable) I have problems and some years to fix them before strongly predicted dementia from Alzheimer's or Parkinson's or essential tremors (strong prediction). All the ones I consider Angels, suffered so. Already I started forgetting. But I consider myself a Bell labs research engineer, far smarter than any known doctor!

Why is America so rich and vibrant? I am past the stage of superior law, inheritance, climate, people, exceptionalism. It is simple - empiricism at all levels, the natural outcome of very few laws, started immigrant country, remains due to constitution and its interpretation. Worst are systems that make laws based on the successes of the day -- the animals described by me as pseudo-imitators, the anti-libertarians are all Pseudos of some kind. True progress avoids pseudos arguing from skin color, sex, experience, age, ..., all kinds of non-empirical junk. Putting money where the mouth is. Drawing conclusions from experience or some logic by some experiment, even in business, education, health, law, etc. Empiricalization of experience/logic defines my USA. Unlike natural philosophy, social sciences describe a changing environment, and hence the intermittent-continuous test is needed. The same is also needed in dynamic systems in natural philosophy to understand evolution, geology, weather, etc. These thoughts are expanded here,

Returning to issues of Health, after 3 months of a 1year self-clinical test, I have a better idea of my standing and a more global view of what works and what changes are needed. I can see what is acute now, acute near-present and medium-term fears. The single most is crossing the 5-25 year time gap in which I believe negligible senescence developments will happen. That is because I expect, for the first time, a comprehensive plan to pass the expected singularity by plannable 30 years. Some luck is needed but will feel unlucky and not negligent.

Two things are falling in control of diabetes and heart post CABG. I know about diabetes control because of religious poke blood sugar tests for 20 years every day. From the sequence, there is a 15 unit drop and expect to soak up future deterioration. I have been told to avoid surgical procedures when my CABG gives out in 25 years, starting 1993. That passed in 2018 and had events requiring isosorbide about every month (progressed to 2 tablets). Haven't had an isosorbide event since the test started.

The instability problem mirror my dad, and his experiences to death were visible to me and more to mom. The walking difficulty was solved by a wheeled walker inherited by me, Signature problem required several bank solutions and government declarations. Expect family and event solutions when help is needed in dining.

The problem of osteoarthritis is there and scary because soon a mechanical knee or hip might be needed. The literature search was needed after no improvement from generic aging chemicals, The suggestion I follow in February or April is Liposome Hyaluronic acid. Apart from osteoarthritis, I expect a reduction in wrinkles and oiling at the elbow and 5*4 finger joints.

NMN also fixes old-age strength reduction and I feel invigorated. That leaves other generic age fears. Covid-19 does not scare me since eligibility for booster dose, self-derived D3 supplementation, and cumin use twice a day. Immune deterioration concerns me and thymus regeneration is a top priority now. Cancer fears are high but greatly helped by a near-vegan diet. Dementia from Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, or essential tremors is troubling and is being priority-explored.

99% Doctors have wrong ideas about Aging. If they knew right, they would fix themselves first. The entire subject starts in 2019, after many unimaginable developments after 2005. only pseudo-doctor morons can make claims! The entire field will erupt with the criminals claiming their mixes or service can reverse aging. Many respected will either be dodged or blame dodge for wrong agreement. There will be only one method to enable trust - does the claimer eat the suggestion transparently! Aging is distinct from every other illness - one can not escape aging and be a doctor! Only non-thugs will consume their own recommendation!

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