Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Long but good - D3 for Covid-19

Forget the interviewer. This is the second doctor who sings praises of vitamin D for Covid-9, NO deaths like the Israeli guy uploaded earlier, explains it too! Melatonin that makes us brown and Africans black is like a Sun-screen chemical. means we have lower D3, especially sedentary. Explains why hit worse. Indians hitless hard in the USAbecaujse drink milk even as an adult, the law forced milk to boost by D. My vaccine is good against Omidron, the latter still infects two-dose people, the government requires 9 months before booster shot, D3 at 5000 IU per day safe and required to guarantee against death!

Talks sanely and effectively re many issues. Strongly recommended despite the length. First Sane argument to why vaccination, not just a personal issue but a worthy public requirement justifying forced vaccination

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