Tuesday, January 4, 2022

one month anniversary

 Wrongly worded but never mind, it will happen after one year, and I look forward to it. All my fears were there, heart palpitated when I opened the test result envelope, of the most extensive blood test panel carried by the service with rs. 8000 MRP!

Motivation theory I agree with is simple - every average human must be presented with their relevant health data points and never be informed about what needs to be done unless you are the doctor. Every moron who states even one phrase against this commandment by me is a sub-human meta moron. Everyone who does not determine relevant data points and fails to think about what to do about it (requires minimum biological knowledge and estimation of the medical system, is a meta moron - if not known to find a knowledgeable professional and talk, maybe more investigation is needed. The point is not knowing is stupid and you SAVE money by proper investigation even it costs at the start. The above test just ensures my thinking makes initial sense. I will know only after 1 year and 5 and 20 years by making the same test.

Age test now costs 25000-50,000, outside my budget. One test at the end is needed, assuming my starting bio-age is the calendar age. Less info but still adequate for me. And a compare blood test after the end. Then every five years. I think I am on right track for age 150 years!

So what happened on the baseline test? I suffer from diabetes hence Hba1c of 6.6 is great. Heart hence lipid profile, all cholesterol right, HDL 44 hence safe. Ready for Hospital echo. Osteoarthritis- another DEXA scan to test efforts. Instability - hire BPT. Every indicator is in range. Sodium, B3, B12 okay. 

CBC is all ok and all near midpoint of reference intervals. hemoglobin (Blood quality) is (15.8 in 13-17). This means the immune system is good Let Dr. Fahy join the list of my greats and TRIIM-X work. Then I can look forward to intermittent Yamanaka factors and HGH/DHEA combo too.

So I have no reason to depart from supplements. The dosages were tolerated well. Liposome everywhere tolerated well. Own de Grey list is Fisetin, Quertecin, Apigenin. Each is a flavonoid. Any else but me, Fisetin enough. My Sinclair list is NAD+, NMN, resveratrol, and TMG. Each is present in the body, except TMG for methyl reasons. Each but me, just NMN and TMG. NAD+ for crossing BBB, to help the brain. Don't want to be over 100 brain-damaged as dementia or Alzheimer's. Looking forward to USA 4-year trip with included age-test. Think seriously about launching the Aging-team of one doctor and one Aging scientist, for commercial advice and mentoring. A birdie tells me that number of patients interested in 1 year guaranteed life extension is immense and no sane offerer! Now if my scheme works for me ...

I look forward to the blood and age test next year. Far more interesting life than emeritus professor like my father. He, at last, enjoyed a ministerial appointment in Bihar and work to prevent flood damage in Bihar. Like his legacy, the Ram Jhula bridge across the Ganges in Rishikesh!

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