Sunday, January 30, 2022

Overview 2022

Long, wasteful but an excellent comprehensive overview to 2022. The biggest new add is Dr. Sinclair thought on my trick – effects add usually and best way to mix – three-month singular add, to not take the useless or hurtful drug by chemical test or feelings. Great doctors do not recommend bullshit, most aging chemicals are slow acting. So three-month gap is enough for individual application, not FDA average effects.

I have posted a stinging admission of draw-back of general doctors, not personal or family, that are familiar with patient peculiarities; using FDA averages, without written analyzed seller reputation. The lack of reputation accounting is a major flaw in capitalism. The selection by advertizing or price is a severe hole. Straight unadorned capitalism in most markets leads to adulteration/corruption in all markets is inversely proportional to the gap between buying! This is not just a fable but as basic as x shaped demand and supply curves.

There are products that display natural monopolies, proportional to price, etc. The entire market behaves differently with a gap of 200 years. One can safely apply this general principle starting 1 AD.  This change is speeding up, to being 100 years now. This has to do with greatly sped-up advertisement and clustering, using technology. Privacy, essential to libertarians, is severely threatened. This is the year of conflict of centralized morality-less ideas versus decentralized less efficient but libertarian ideas. I believe that efficiency can be improved in libertarian ways.

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