Sunday, December 5, 2021

Torn between India and the USA

Why torn between them?

None of the below are 7 ancient wonders, but they are Indian wonders. Can I repay the debt I feel, India for IIT, then second life, and the USA for a doctorate, post criminal TBI professorship, and ma social security?

I can try by gifting post-quantum NSA-proof encryption and signature system, undecidable by foreign powers. To both, I shall gift the world's best age-reduction system, likely so for a decade.

I hate some people in the USA but only a few, and these few have not done any violent act, so my retribution has to be within the law. But have convinced me it was not intended but circumstances of fears and economic hardship, that led to horrible life for 31 years for this TBI, who could not be cowed, now ending. There is no forgetting in my world view but the non-violent pursuit of justice in this life and beyond shall be done.

Do I have a prescription for others innocently wronged?

Yes, I do, close to Gandhiji. Retribution in kind, never initiate. Non-violent if inferior. Let unattached others return in kind. See me apply my prescription to myself. I have a Longevity protocol. Better than any FDA is self-application to myself and my family! I refuse to get old, or be a dead hero!

Retribution does not bother Nature. Many developments are dual-use. Applies easily to encryption. Harder but easy to see is aging reduction, considering my demise possibilities, why should any opponents escape justice or post-demise friendlies be justice-loving investigators?

What is the genesis of touted self/family applied aging protocol?

Take recommendations of the top 3 aging doctors; Dr. Sinclair. Gr. de Grey and Dr. Kennedy. Analyze them to suggested chemicals. Reduce them to the top few, ensure they are not-active, safe, and independent,  compose them for family, more for self. Comprehensive blood-test self/family after 1 month (me done, all okay), after 1 year, and also age-determination test after 1 year (I hope Sinclair swab done, many $300 otherwise).

Why in India and why torn?

Two top civilized countries in the world (at least while Modi/Yogi is in power). Both will benefit equally no matter where I am. India is better for now. Who knows when I become a dollar millionaire.

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