Thursday, December 16, 2021

On Morality of life-extension


Non-genetic negligible senescence-based Life-extension being proposed for life extension is new non-medicine-based technology that should and does drive doctors fearful and advised to be limited to medicine. This novelty is the discovery of DNA specialization by epigenetics and plasticity of every human, even Eutherian animals, age by epigenetic expression.


My method makes doctors irrelevant to age fixing by using liposomes for all products used, better than injections due to fixing of additional cell entry problems. By restricting To GRAS supplements, the need for Doctors is eliminated as is interference with off-aging drugs for normal illnesses. Opposition from doctors can and should be quelled for this special purpose


Since DSNA is not modified, every Hitler-like fears are baseless. Any modifications are to epigenome.


The reverse aging possibilities are a tremendous unexpected benefit of aging prevention research. It has a few amazing consequences.


1.    Idea of age-reset and thus wish-death. No one is required to live on, even a decrepitude life!

2.    Superior new medicines that not only cure beyond modern-medicine treatments but address cancers and aging,


I figure on 2 at least even if there is no proven aging reset. The point is that I do believe in plastic aging slows down which makes proven reset in extended years very useful. I consider cure possible but unproven at this point and my own risk under that of continued debilitation from chronic diseases and willingly undergo self-test by self-designed composition. I am 2 months into the 12-month test, my sugar levels have dropped below 120, have no episode of osteoarthritic pain, no need for nearly monthly isosorbide but no improvement in instability, which may require exercises in the gym, but feel better enough to try.


This is stupid once.

Elon Musk's Fears of Longevity





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