Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Repurpose drugs

There are existing applications of these ideas. The trick is to use them for different drugs and tests. Can be done by the state as well. Given the troika of Modi-yogi-Ramdev, India is no longer backward for reasons of entrepreneurship or corruption. For Covid-19, as example


Dr. Arya repurpose-Algorithm by smart-search

1. For each FDA medicine, a table of proteins and genes impacted is made, where each entry gives the degree of effect.

2. The target disease is converted into the impacted proteins and genes.

3. The table is sorted by impacts. Partial impacts are ok, the result can be used to derive drug admixtures.

4. Top chemicals are further refined on basis of side-effects of an unwelcome kind.

5. Remaining chemicals are tested against human cells.

6. Safety of chemicals does not have to be done since repurpose. FDA1 and FDA3 can be elided. Let us call it the FSSAI test.

7. FDA tests can be pursued later at their pace.

Expect way cheaper and faster. Can and should be extended to supplements, which makes Indian FSSAI superior to FDA for two reasons - cross-dangers and supplements.

Dr. Arya repurpose-Algorithm by smart-parallel-test

Many pathology tests can be performed in parallel by using a quasi-test-tube, in which multiple test tubes are used at once, loaded by different samples in stoppered- test-tubes. Equipment like centrifuges can be purchased that work on quasi-tube. All elements can be loaded at once.

Strange repurpose of viagras:

 Fang, J., Zhang, P., Zhou, Y. et al. Endophenotype-based in silico network medicine discovery combined with insurance record data mining identifies sildenafil as a candidate drug for Alzheimer’s disease. Nat Aging (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s43587-021-00138-z

  • Received

  • Accepted

  • Published

  • DOI[ medicalese ] https://doi.org/10.1038/s43587-021-00138-z[ English ] https://www.lifespan.io/news/viagra-identified-as-a-candidate-drug-for-alzheimers/?fbclid=IwAR3uXtJzG4bsR1byHCVoRpEIvvUpXSCrzeejT53D473PmYSU7Y26JNG6Ye8Dr. Sinclairc affordable cheek-swab DNAm aging-testshttps://www.reddit.com/r/longevity/comments/nkpjcm/by_early_2022_david_sinclair_plans_to_launch_an/

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