Thursday, December 23, 2021

Vitamin D and Covid-19


 Only 1 week old, these musings from an Israeli doctor electrified me. I am not an MD and give NO medical advice - listen and draw your own conclusions. It greatly enhanced my pre-existing Vitaom-D bias. He claims well over 1500 patients, to which he advised, especially browner skins, not even 1 was admitted to a hospital, let alone a fatality. Given how inexpensive the fix and huge margins of error tolerated well, leading to intoxication with very high dosages, talk to your doctor!

Personally, I average about 4000 IU/day. (60,000 in 2 weeks). I went for D as the law required fortification of milk in the USA. Adults don't drink milk. Many USA Indians are at risk to have low D and osteopenia and diabetes. Enhanced calcium carries kidney stone risk, and must be controlled with D3 and K2. Show these contents to your doctor.

Here is a nugget, UV from sun is A,B,C with increasing frequency. UV-C does not help with vit. D. A is good as is B. But B is best. Unfortunately, glass blocks B. So no benefit if sun comes through a window! Choose sun  blocker well, block A BUT NOT B.

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