Friday, December 3, 2021

Entry for lifespan add funding

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Following is a small test I will fund myself anyway. The results are likely targeted at everyone. However, it makes for a substantial increase in size to make the results far more appealing due to more than single-digit applications being affordable now.

This project makes enormous sense because of the very low cost without any comprise on quality and handspun supervision by funding individuals for the benefitting individuals who would be required to submit monthly e-reports.

I have designed a clinical test with as many subjects as economically possible with three thread aging tests of Dr'.Sinclair, Dr de Grey, and Dr. Kennedy. As the page shows, joint testing is possible and any interference is correctable and useful to know.

A small part has already been done successfully. Assuming six months to Dr.Sinclair swab test, much better results than blood tests are likely.

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