Tuesday, December 21, 2021

JWST science


Ahead of JWST’s launch, STScI had the daunting task of figuring out which of the 1,173 proposals for the observatory’s first year of life — known as Cycle 1 — should get time with the telescope. How do you prioritize what the most advanced piece of space equipment in the world should do when it first turns on? 

Well, the science has to be nothing short of revolutionary.

“What is deemed most interesting is science that is considered transformational — that will change our view of the universe,” Klaus Pontoppidan, an astronomer and JWST project scientist at STScI, tells The Verge. “We don’t want the observatory to do things a little better than what has been done before. We wanted to answer fundamental questions that cannot be answered any other way.”

That makes Webb true successor of Hubell. Like Yogi of Modi! It rubber-stamps my decision in 2001 to live on regardless, and my love for 1000 year life. Even I am astounded how much science in ageing can do, towards likely wish-death even for me.


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