Thursday, December 2, 2021

On the holy grail: Stop 1 JWST


2001 I laid a holy grail for myself – live on to launch of JWST in 2010 and LISA later. I was a science agnostic, but had to find answers to the questions meaningful to me, answered without belief, i.e., empirically.


1.     Live on healthily to 100 years., goal in 2001. My wife then was an MD in USA and I knew well the horrors being alive on retirement communities in USA for people under million dollars. In 2021, still alive and wait for launch on December 18, likely see it unfurl and first observations, I consider myself fit, first human to lick TBI, health span with wish-death death likely and a profession of ultimate selling of similar health span likely. LISA in 2030’s with ESA, but enough for now. And NASA or successors will always be there!


2.     A believable theory of creation and genesis, found by 2019, changed me to atheist but reverted back to agnosticism given that I was a total failure at converting even one and loss of desire to do so, every one welcome to their stupidity! Given my conservative background, a more dedicated Hindu and less tolerant than before. Why tolerate those without tolerance for agnostic me?


3.     A questioning skeptic philosophy, converting me to ancient stoicism for 20 years. Reversion back to stoic-skepticism, invention pf triage RS, greatly stable and self-confident philosophy and theology.

Why JWST and LISA?

All I know about genesis and astronomy is validated by Hubble. JWST is the successor and will be the reason behind NASA and new astronomy. LISA validates Einstein and is new aspect to astronomy.  JWST got delayed by 10 years but Hubble kept finding. LIUSA tp 1930’s but scooped by.Even October 2021 of launch is delayed to December. For the jinxed project, even that delay is ok. Why should nature care for Arun? Modi did not care about return to power in 2019. Do the best whatever you do, wherever you are! All goals are achieved whenever. When will I achieve that stoic goal? I sill have the holy grail, just a new target.

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