Monday, June 28, 2021



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Essential forward context.

This essay continues this. Don't be stupid to read this essay missing necessary precondition.

Follows from past that for commercial+health reasons, it is safe to limit to bioavailability, protection and ignore targeting reason, I will use liposomal form. These are built at home for cost, independence from commercial availability, and know you are within expiry; never mind you might fail to get the amount of medicine paid for. Targeting can be avoided for vitamins, glutathione, NMN, endolithials and senolytes.

 How does liposome work? It surrounds the drug nano particles with a phospholipid sack. Stomach acid or liver are protected from. It then enters blood. Blood circulates in body within a heart beat.It takes time for the sack to stick to cells. So the sacks end up all over. How do they enter into cells? Of the three things that make the cell membrane (unlike plants, all animals have no wall) are PHOSPHOLIPIDS! Just sticking enters the contents into the cell! The right kind of phospholipid will deliver to the right kind of cell. But we leave targeting for the doctor, all s/he has to tell you the right phospholipid. No doctor needs to oversee these liposomal drugs. Just saving from acid, liver and solubility will give you massive improvements at much lower doses. 


I have decided to use sublingual 500 mg NMN/day at the start of liposome experiments and expect 250 mg fast and 100 mg eventually. Rather than MIB-626, I intend to use L-arginine from (3 gm to 0.5 gm) and 50 mg Pterostilbene from 200 mg to 50 [all per day to liposomal goal].


I do not think I have any, but quantities are mentioned to allow others to determine their own, experiment with labeled suppliers and dosing schedules. Only if your citizenship allows bio-hacking should you even consider my numbers, only for self, they will change randomly with experimentation, without warning.

Known doses of Dr. Sinclair and FDA accepted numbers are viewed as safe doses. All my doses are for 5'7",70 kg, Indian race person coming from compromised Hygiene/Helminth civilization. Conceptually, I have roman arena gladiator rule of "if it has not killed me, it made me stronger" , "I don't stop tired, only when done" and the Stoic view of life as Aurelius said better than me "Consider the immense gulf before you, and after you, what is the difference between life of 1 day or many human generations. Only this - your life must be just, speech and promises kept to others. You will daily encounter sinners, how can you grudge them anything, for they are stupid and don't know what they miss". To this I add development of can't lie technology, that works in the open through zero knowledge proof, safe even from holders of quantum computers.

As opening referenced in start, I consider blood based rejuvenation as a start, like changing oil of a vehicle - useful but small part of life extension. You raise NAD+, cleanup SASP (not knowing the details of how caused, at this time a black box fix is doable) and fix blood delivery. Liposomal/NMN for NAD+. Liposomal/Fisetin by mayo protocol, every 4 months, Liposomal/Quercetin and strawberry for  senolysis, Liposomal/Pterostilbene and L-arginine for blood lining revive, K2+D3+calcium for bones, Heart drugs and brain-injury drugs. Complex expensive mix, can live carefully only, only in India for now, will rise again as phoenix after life extension and adequate income. Greatly expedited departure if the  massive villain Tikat succeeds. Setting up Aging clinic with MBBS doctor to run by my self-hack in return for my share.

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