Friday, June 4, 2021

Enemy cd38 and aging


The Latest Link

Demise of doctor uncle, bio-hackary on self

I consider myself an unlicensed aging doctor-like, no agreement by GOI, either will change my host government's POLICY or escape to a superior destination based on my USA passport. Till then, you should never do bio-hackery unless suggested by a licensed doctor and managed by a licensed doctor later! Note that my citizenship enables me to do bio-hackery on self.

CD38 has been mentioned as the villain chemical suspected to be antagonist to NAD+. Central to reducing (genetic) age, measurable by Horvath test which remarkably works for all eutherians (hence human and mice). Strongly suggesting the correctness of earlier Dr. Sinclair of earthier DNA which took 3 billion years to make and a billion years to evolve in to all life and us. First time in planet life, evolution is supplanted by the watch-maker, genetics humans and doctors, with time frames of a century, not geologic millions and billions. It is a natural product made by senescent cells (all villains) to escape the inflammation produced by NAD+. Their survival ages their host.

There are two strategies to eliminate CD38, target senescent cells(effectively generic cure cancer). Or target CD38. The group of drugs is called senolytes, anticipated in 2001- by Dr. de Grey, interesting to us being the supplement Quercetin that is is a plant pigment (flavonoid). It is found in many plants and foods, such as red wine, onions, green tea, apples, berries, Ginkgo biloba, St. John's wort, American elder, and others. Buckwheat tea has a large amount of quercetin. Some people use quercetin as a medicine. Quercetin is most commonly used for conditions of the heart and blood vessels and to generic prevent cancer. It is also used for arthritis, bladder infections, and diabetes, but there is limited scientific evidence to support these uses. From my perception, Quercetin is also found great for antiaging and cancers, other uses save from FDA safety test of the drug,

This is a vital point for me. FDA clinical trials establish to my trust of two properties of a chemical or procedure, safety and efficacy. Efficacy is a secondary issue in all my applications. Safety targets of trials must account for wrongly identified patients and hence are safe for all. Hence, repurposing a drug implicitly establishes safety. Long use of a chemical also assumes safe within reported effects. Quercetin is like that. Hippocratic oath says your medicine in the worst case will not increase the disease! USA courts are stupidly deficient in this case, as evident from 40 year delay in stevia even when in wide use in Peru for 1500 years! Even today, Vitamin k2 is illegal in the USA! One can not save from attorney delays but failure to punish the proponent side severely for attorneys behavior is Un-American,

There are several significant groups of flavonoids, including anthocyanidins, flavanols, flavones, flavonols, flavonones and isoflavones. Flavones: These include luteolin and apigenin. Good sources of flavones are celery, parsley, various herbs and hot peppers. apigenin is particularly interesting because it reduces the amount of CD38 too. Particularly relevant is the fact that it is found in significant quantities with enough bioavailability in dried fruits of parsley and green leaves of parsley. Not found in India, but it is intermediate between dhaniya (coriander) and ajwaain (carom). Dhaniya can be used. In other words, dhaniya and quercetin (400-500)mg completes Dr. de Grey senolytes usage without a doctor monitor!

It is a matter of joy  that traditional food masala like chilies have uses. However, do not allow a brahmin-equivalent fool you into the great foresight of our ancestors!

If you want apigenin and quercetin only  (low cost senolytics of Dr. de Grey), you should investigate N-Stac product. My cheaper way is buy quercetin and get apigenin  benefits from dhaniya (coriander).

The inhibition of CD38 has been proven in NIH-sponsored studies to increase NAD+ tissue bioavailability greater than NMN or NR alone. A vital differentiating feature compared to generic NAD precursor supplements. 

Deliberate elided are reliable manufactures, amounts and doses schedule as patient-dependent  (culture, location, individual differences etc.), never mind the impact on convinced reader. Some day, undoing-aging doctors will help in starting and management based on patient with Horvath-inspired aging clocks! I will only support evidence-based Horvath-inspired aging-clocks proven , such a person has at least some properties of a true cell-doctor for undoing-aging.

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