Wednesday, July 7, 2021

The ASLI Rejuvenation

This is a summary for hard research of 20 years to explain what rejuvenation means to me, why it is true and what will be done by me for self; has only a few reference to other's work and all links are to material which explains in detail the concept referred to or implied. You as reader must chase links for they have the real content that explains this summary. I think that rejuvernation-0 is better handled by rejuvernation doctors different from medical doctors. Only scientfic engineering disposition persons need to bother. To be practical, triage component has to be added to rational skepticism. Triage concept arose from proning disaster, even fleeing criminals often can be made to donate their underwear!

I have advanced far enough in my chosen research over last 20 years to not only understand Dr. Sinclair's theory of Aging and its proof (correct), but to what needs to be done for using it for rejuvenation, the real holy grail in the remaining years, optimistically there, to cheat death  for 1000 years, and know who to track (every emfubar will claim knowledge soon) and how to judge real progress, fundamental to separate wheat from chaff!

Theory of Rejuvenation-0

Rejuvenation-0 is increase NAD+, decrease SASP and cleanup blood flow. Surprisingly useless to rejuvenation-0 beyond emipirical justification, still critical to understand why, Dr. Sinclair's progress sets the bar for every rejuvenation practitioner. He gets the vote from me as to why life ages, humans, animals, bacteria, plants fungi - all we call life will age and why answers are outside medicine, in genetics.

Miracle 1 - Universality of Aging

Every life on earth ages, with no external cause. The crucial discovery is in functioning of the DNA, and the chance discovery by evolution of a repairable DNA, proof against inevitable errors in  duplication coinciding with repair! So fundamental is this trick that it was never rediscovered by evolution again, in fact earth DNA might have come from Mars, and even there from another star by hitching a ride on rock fragments or even the last universal great deed on a destined to doom civilization in another black hole!

Consequences of this lucky break of evolution started with sculpting bacteria, then algae, then sea life, which crawled to land infested with plants who had escaped earlier. The plants evolved to trees, leaves discovered quantum mechanics and photosynthesis began, which released oxygen as a waste product! Changed the planet till 2100 AD centuries, post which race to die like Venus began. The crawling sea life evolved to dinosaurs, who reigned supreme for 500 million years. But it ended 60 million years ago with a giant meteor strike which killed all life bigger than mice. Life recovered, as did evolution, which built humans a million years ago. Also, whales and elephants. All Eutheria - tiny animals to huge, have nucleus around DNA in all cells, the characteristic mark of these animals.

I know I am right by explaining the amazing Horvath determinations, and two wonderful experiments by Dr. Sinclair. Dr. Horvath experimentally divined the age of a cell from any part of the body and for all Eutheria, a common set of tables that correlated Methyl marks in epigenetics of an instance in Cp islands with calendar age to within 0.98. This shows many things, including that aging is an external causeless process. The fact that no child is ever born old, inherits from both parents as they were when young adults, regardless of age of parents means that somehow the pristine DNA is preserved and stripped of methyl marks way before birth (Happens at 4 cells stage!)!  What Dr. Sinclair did was to deliberately age one mice from a twin and in second, crushed and regrew the optic nerve of another rat by clever application of NAD+ boosters. All morons advancing other theories must age one of a twin and regrow one shot like optic nerve! Why do mice things some time work in humans, and can one predict when? They are Eutheria too, as are human cell slides. The slides are closer one way but only chemically so, and mice methods are in vivo. No, I can not predict when it will work or fail, but I know that there is a certain missing reason for failure. The earliest FDA (FDA-1) means all reasons for success are met, but one never knows. Risk-takers at first stage are volunteers, although I would use all convicts sentenced to die, if they agree to volunteer for commuting to life in prison and meet selection protocol. Likely to match one study.

Miracle 2 - Nucleus and adaptive immune system

By now, evolution had another big trick - the DNA for all vertebrate animals that survived and regrew, were trapped in a sac called a nucleolus within a cell. The DNA was isolated. How did proteins arise from genes in the DNA come to be. Through mRNA copies built in nucleus, still transparent to signal molecules, copying signal related genes. The mRNA copies exit the one way nucleus and combines with ribosomes to make the proteins. Thereafter, the mRNA died fast or slow by suicide, or exit the cell. This is where the second part evolution trick is used. All the Vertebrates that survived had an immune system, which was protected by white cells that roamed the blood channels. They had innate training to pick out and eat mRNA cells  There were two types to immune cells, innate and adaptive. Adaptive work, like innate, to eat the mRNA. But more, they remember the rest of the mRNA and develop appetite for that too. I know I am right by explaining how vaccines work, not just in humans but animals too! Guess what they did to lions and other victims of Covid-19 in Indian zoos and safari parks, vaccinated them with human vaccines with dose adjustments by weight! Poor sick lions, became like tired cats! Looks like even though delta-plus can infect after 2 vaccine doses, only mild Covid-19 results. However the spike protein is bio-active!

Why was it a big trick? It saved countless survivors from death by many viruses and bigger who evolved to forms for whom the unprotected DNA was an easy target. Unlike sea creatures, land animals made far easier targets (no water to protect)! As routine in evolution, survivors populate the future. The survivor attackers evolve to newer attacks. But some shields are much better than others, they save not only from one clan, but even from others the attackers will evolve to. Indo-Britrain-American vaccines against Covid-19 are not only effective against last -year versions but also against new bastards -   alpha, delta, delta-plus and lambda. Just pray that the newest version have a related spike too! That protein is the one the immune system is being targeted to eat.

Miracle-3 Liposome escape for intracell medicine

There is no intelligence in biology - the language that treats evolution and bacteria etc. as intelligent beings just is a fiction to make human language dramatic, interesting and normal. In reality, there are just chemicals that mix as per some schedule depending on concentrations etc. Most drugs we use as medicine have to penetrate many defenses, needed for other reasons. Any chemical eaten first has to face stomach acid.  Then it goes to where it stays and gets absorbed if absorbable. Then it enters the blood stream to the liver. Only then it enters the blood. If the target is in the brain, it still has to penetrate the blood-brain-barrier BBB. If the target is mitochondria, it has to penetrate the cell membrane and the mitochondrial skin. Typical rates are in single digit percentages, per obstacle.

The ridiculous numbers are so low and the effect so delayed, faster protected routes are needed. This is injections, may bypass the liver. The iv-forms do. Liposome (liposome-2) provide entry into cell easy and protect from acid, low solubility and liver by surrounding drug nanoparticle by phospholipid sacks. The path is slow but better performance even to injections as cell membrane penetration happens for free. Nothing but ignorance, now past, prevented this from me. Liposomal drugs are dramatic improvements over all eaten drugs. By buying a home liposomal machine and material, amazing self-experimentation will follow! Rest of my life! Can and will finance it in India with the USA SS dole. Wonderful return from money given to me!

What drugs? Liposome is free of rejuvenation, it effects all vitamins seeking protection from stomach and with solution problems. Also, others like glutathione (a blizzard of fairer skin shall drive our ladies bananas, no need to go for whites!). And certainly NAD+ and blood path lining boosters. Even senescence garbage collectors to reduce SASP. Here is 20 year summary, boost NAD+, reduce SASP, cleanup blood channels. That rejuvenates body, to keep organs happy do one of three methods,  intermittent Yamanaka factors at low concentration and subset use; my mRNA drugs and age-reduction vaccines; and filtered or diluted blood, never using any foreign blood. The idea of reduced concentrations applies to Rapamycin too, it will be experimented too by me at 5mg/week, given that no drug company has incentive to test (and potentially be subjected to subhuman liberal flak) and the dosage mentioned is under immunity reduction. I think that India is the right place to organize FDA-like trials for all under incentive drugs and Hygiene or Helminth factors, even ayush drugs. We might escape Nanoparticle disaster in mRNA aging vaccines.


Rejuvenation-i does nor indicate sereialization but independence. Rejuvenation-1 methods are concurrent to Rejuvenation-0 and can be used as soon as ready for directed medicine in organ cure.

The purpose of this write-up is not self-propaganda or teaching knowledge. I hope that my notes benefit another reader. It will certainly benefit me. Like vitaDAO of Dr. Grey, the sole incentive for furthering the tasks is to benefit from their products! It finally combines my interest in  understand aging to a realistic doable program, consistent with my limits and my income. No imaginable disability can prevent me from self-experiment with home developed Liposomal drugs. Despite all future evilness, I can declare victory. has already reviewed scientific projections of alternate scenarios assuming aging is defeated by 2030 (singularity come) and ethics are not every one to their own developments and die if poor. VitaDAO is decentrealised and differently motivated.

Ethics of Rejuvenation is important, but too small to fit here. Some sci-fi has dealt with population control when resources run out, as people do not die. It is being stuck on astronomical escape over a rabid radioactive planet in the TV100. Solution found is death penalty for minor crimes. Artifact solved by shooting 100 to locate usable valley - found and repopulated. Or a buried escape population gone underground from fall out. Solution reverts to death in the ring like Romans. Artifact solved by tech smart people who dig them out with new tools. A death tournament for old in a sci-fi movie. Solution is weak message from people accepting old. Planetary resolution (IE suicide) for all above 60 in a star-trek.Left unresolved as the doubter follows tradition in the end. The strongest point is you can limit population by preventing births, new blood not really needeed when the expirenced work past retirement! How is the top- of any experience based organisation set itself up is left out! Currently, top man retires in 1-2 years, creating log n advancements in n person organization. What if retirement age ends?

Limitations and speculations

Aging covered so far is like keeping a car alive by changing the oil and eliminating any dust contamination. It is best called rejuvenation-0 with NAD+ improvement, blood channel improvement and SASP reduction. I expect 50 years from it giving time to develop for rejuvenation-1. Top 3 are Yamanaka factors, mRNA drugs and dialysis with dilution or filtering.These will give 50 more years. Within a 100 years, we should be capable of artificial organs and novel brain fixes. That is rejuvenation-2. That will likely give 200 years. What then? I am not worried for some thing will crop up. In any case, a pleasant 300 year life.

Pursuit of developments

Death from natural causes can also be predicted, called grim age, from Cp island methylation. 

To those seriously interested, watch for three rejuvenation.1 technologies

1 California for Yamanaka factors based rejuvenation drugs

2 Me for mRNA drugs and antiaging vaccination. Dr. Malone invented mRNA vaccines and remains very concerned with bioactiveproteins killed like spike protein! I am giving many thoughts to industrial scale mice farms like worm farms, be available to all scientists world over. Despite strong ideas, empirical work on mice is needed, and such farms will be useful to all scientists, drug and Food companies. Another track for me is Liposome drugs.

3 Drs. Conboy for blood dilution and filtering by dialysis like machine. Rather than 3/week, once per trimester will be enough for all aged. India can be low cost hub to the USA high-quality high cost machines.

Smart consumer

There will never be a sharp progress border, cutting edge research likely to fail repeatedly, availabity for all politrical issue with pro and con, benefits to chosen of early investors and real contributions very difficult to distinguish from majority thuggish commercial practices. I advcate restriction to explicit recommendation from Dr. DeGrey, Dr. Sinclair, Drs. Conboy (both), Dr. Horvath, Dr. Yamanaka. Whoever (your readings and judgements of issues) if they conflict! Avoid any and all judgements if they prefer to be quiet in full!

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