Monday, June 14, 2021

What I take and recommend

The latest link

Abstract: A menu of things I take for indefinite life. Missing are three vital information, company, marketeer and dosage schedule. Until this information is given, the reader is at the mercy of marker, and manipulation by sub human marketeers, advertisers, companies and dangers of too little or too much dose, too frequent or too small dosing. It does provide a basis for further study by intelligent googling. So don't use it construct own menu, only on doctor advice.

Over the past decade, a growing number of studies have revealed that progressive changes to epigenetic information accompany aging in both dividing and nondividing cells. Functional studies in model organisms and humans indicate that epigenetic changes have a huge influence on the aging process. These epigenetic changes occur at various levels, including reduced bulk levels of the core histones, altered patterns of histone posttranslational modifications and DNA methylation, replacement of canonical histones with histone variants, and altered noncoding RNA expression, during both organismal aging and replicative senescence. The end result of epigenetic changes during aging is altered local accessibility to the genetic material, leading to aberrant gene expression, reactivation of transposable elements, and genomic instability. Strikingly, certain types of epigenetic information can function in a transgenerational manner to influence the life span of the offspring. Several important conclusions emerge from these studies: rather than being genetically predetermined, our life span is largely epigenetically determined; diet and other environmental influences can influence our life span by changing the epigenetic information; and inhibitors of epigenetic enzymes can influence life span of model organisms. These new findings provide better understanding of the mechanisms involved in aging. Given the reversible nature of epigenetic information, these studies highlight exciting avenues for therapeutic intervention in aging and age-associated diseases, including cancer.

This is an essential reference to the totality of the program. Sole purpose is to learn on chemicals involved and totality. I expect 20 years Horvath age gain, post 2030, by which time, some clinics will offer Drs. Conboy and my procedures commercially and likely hold FDA or FSSAI license.

While there is ample evidence to indicate the health benefits of diets rich in fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains and nuts, no specific food has been acknowledged by scientists and government regulatory authorities as providing a health benefit. This applies to all phytochemicals considered useful.

Another severe problem with almost all plants or fruits is a fundamental problem in English of being able to fool people by trace amount as containers of desired chemical, which invariably requires tons of foodstuff to be medically useful, consider this abuse sub human and warn my readers as reading all ad very carefully to ensure enough dose beyond low price.

Every one, suggests 1gm of metformin in divided doses every day, important even if not diabetic. Expect 5-8 years just from this. I am one and also take acarbose with age extension properties.

From Dr. de Grey, I recommend quercetin for senolysis and dhaniya (CORIANDER) for apigenin.

From Dr. Sinclair, mib-626 or NMN, pterostilbene and TMG.

From Drs. Conboy, dilution aging dialysis when done. To eliminate CD38 and TGF-beta1.

From Dr. Arun Arya. mRNA drugs and vaccines when done.

There is a reason for selecting the model pic as cover - since overall food for graceful aging must reduce calories. Best 3 interventions in order of importance are fruits+vegetable, exercise and fasting (calorie restriction better).

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