Saturday, June 26, 2021

Aging Fundamentals

My logic is simple – aging is the accumulation of senescent cells delivering inflammation chemicals in SASP. The bad things of SASP rise with age and continuously reduce, NAD+ with age. You must do 2 things at once – increase NAD+ and reduce SASP.

First retard every note like – which doctor? Aging and cancers are outside the competence of most current doctors, and specially those specializing in aging. Neither processes inside a cell nor genetics is even remembered by doctors, aging is harder than any cancer! Cell medicine does not mix with traditional medicine, it is not based on germs or viruses. Immune system functioning is central, as is immunotherapy. Messenger RNA drugs are basic. Liposome is not an afterthought, but central to cell medicine, and best made in the kitchen.

2021 shall go down in Human history as the year that Rejuvenation (not Aging) was explained in a form no separate chemistry or Biology is required to understand aging and the understanding is free of ethics and religious nonsense. Medicines work equally well on religious Leaders, politicians, rabid criminals and morons. Anything that has that property, henceforth abbreviated universal applicability, is considered to be science.

That underlies truth and abbreviated TRS for Triaged Rational Skepticism defines me, and scientific living occurs when all facts pass TRS filters. Triage insists on determinable truth in useful time, space, context and money appropriate for the context. Clearly, then God is a meaningless concept unless demonstrable by a TRS test. TRS requires that the test be carried out by concept pushers or their Rishi in a noncontroversial form (super majority) accepted by my Rishis. NOTE THE ABSENCE OF ANY DEMONSTRATION BY ME, God may well exist and control others, not me or my believers who consider such concepts, independent of TRS proof, as irrelevant as continuum hypothesis, await demonstration and pay of appearance costs.

TRS is positive determination of my truth and those I respect. A negative, more general method is to define science as collection of theories that have only falsifiable context appropriate theorems.

Super majority is needed of acceptable (my and others Rishis) jury to tide over undetected bias. Unlike humans, facts have no prevention of repeat trial. The essential problem being dealt with is the reality that not all facts, considered by me, are scientific facts (for which legal facts form the least reliable determination). Admitting possibly erroneous facts rapidly changes the logic to linear logic, which allows quantum logic as well.

The admission of immortality as a feasible fact causes many changes never considered by me. The notion of punishment appropriate for a crime changes drastically in a world that admits immortality. The notion of a logic immune to erroneous facts is needed, and the requirement by me is that the system must distinguish between facts whose negation changes little to those whose negation is drastic.

In classical logic, anything follows a single contradiction.

Scientific immortality, despite mathematical objections to it, is possible if one can posit that there is an upper geographical limit to natural disasters by converting human consciousness by brain download of discrete information and brain-circuit weights and recovering the information to silicon circuits like ml nets. This allows the information duplication, travel at light speed at which time elapse is zero and allows copies to be placed far enough away. All this will likely happen in 1000 years.

So the problem is in the first 1000 years. Different parts of our biological body require different interventions, as Dr Aubrey de Grey believed and solved in high level by him in 2001. He predicts 2036 at solving enough in all 7 fronts. He identified the 7 fronts and high level solved them, created SENS and is easily the saint. Dr. Sinclair discovered resveratrol by 2004. In the decade of 2010, he discovered NMN, MIB-626 by 2021. Dr. Grey funded Drs. Conboy parbiosis in 2005 and does that full time now and greatly supports medical tourism. In the decade of 2010, Drs. Conboy found the immediate lesson of hetrochronic parabiosis wrong and argued correct interpretation to be blood dilution. Dr. Yamanaka took the major step of deriving plenipotentiary cells from any cell in 2007. Dr. Horvath defined methylation and showed correlation by 2011 to calendar age at 0.98 significance level. In 2021, he extended the same table to all eutherians, virtually every land animal bigger than a mm. It proves to me that aging is a cellular epigenetic process. What is common to all such animals? They have a nucleus IE a sac around the DNA, one way for all mRNA. Signal proteins enter the Sac, cause the DNA genes to be copied to mRNA. mRNA exits forever the sac, matches the ribosomes in the cell body outside the sac, unites with them to build the protein that then exits the cell. The mRNA itself dies fast, slow, or exits the cell. Outside are innate immune cells which eat such mRNA. There are adaptable immune cells too, which can be trained, that is how all vaccines work. Some adaptable cells detect bad cells as any that have an mRNA part. In the process, the rest of the mRNA is bad too, and they get trained for killing things showing as rest. That is how mRNA vaccines work, the rest of bad cell is the spike protein for example. Any Covid-19 virus with spike is attacked, no matter what the pathogen evolves to, just hope that the new bastard has a spike too. I, Dr. Arya, have proposed that parts of SASP be attached to mRNA and deliver mRNA drugs to target aging and cancers by quasi-vaccines or mRNA chemotherapeutic drugs.

Throughout 2010 decade, continuing to this day, Yamanaka factors in low concentration, applied transiently, non-cancerous subsets, have worked. This gives doctors a central role in rejuvenation. Another direction are immunotherapy interventions using mRNA drugs and novel mRNA vaccines. Both these technologies complement blood dilution offered by Dr. Conboy. I recommend tracking California for tracking Yamanaka factors, Cancer research for immunotherapy, and Dr. Conboy for dilution, medical tourism for inexpensive solutions. ALL claims to follow above techniques are commercially fraudulent exaggeration and should only follow reliable visiting evaluations acceptable to the major medical figures Dr. deGrey, Dr. Sinclair, Drs. Conboy, Dr. Yamanaka, Dr. Horvath.

Which system is better – Allopathy or modern medicine, Ayurveda, Unani, homeopathy or something else as Chinese medicine. First, the questioner is a moron! Any question so is mad! The proper question is “name the ailment” - what is better. Second, name the dangers of other area treatments! Third, distinguish between treatment and cure. I have a clear-cut position about this. Only treatment is MM. Other systems can damage you by heavy metals. MM is perfect for germ-diseases. If you can bear it, save money by symptomatic OTC drugs. The MM is not able to cure. When it comes to persistent diseases like diabetes, heart, etc.; or cellular like aging and cancers; there is no cure in MM, people will get more or less the same in other methods. The odds are probably better in other systems. Homeopathy is always criminal! Hygiene hypothesis HH considers the cost of external protection to non-adult patient’s immune system. Although public health measures such as sanitation, potable water and garbage collection were instrumental in reducing our exposure to cholera, typhoid and so on, they also deprived people of their exposure to the "old friends" that occupy the same environmental habitats. The rise of autoimmune diseases and acute lymphoblastic leukemia in young people in the developed world was linked to the hygiene hypothesis. If nothing but total lack of infection from Covid-19 in all lower classes has greatly strengthened my belief in HH and helminthic treatment.

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