Monday, June 21, 2021

Fisitin Mayo protocol


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Fisetin is 2019 news. Yet it is caught up still in USA Law, almost as bad as in India. I have decided to go through it. Senolyte maintenance will be Quercetin and strawberries. It is a Flavonoid. All my major goals are done, I have a meaning of life in "Learn to live for Life itself" and I dare to be "happy" at last. Mayo (Same world-famous Mayo Clinic, Minnesota, USA) protocol is two twin/consecutive-dates doses' a month apart

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By now, most people with an interest in health are familiar with antioxidants like resveratrol or quercetin. While these compounds have been widely studied, research into a lesser known antioxidant called fisetin is only just beginning in 2019 . Early studies suggest that fisetin is a powerful weapon against aging with a number of other medicinal effects including antioxidant, anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory benefits. If you would like to learn more about fisetin and what it can do for your health, please read on. [Arun: as bio-hacker, I will take it and share my experiences. It is safe from FDA-1 studies to my level of risks. I refuse to wait for FDA-3 after which most likely, it will be open to all]

Ref for below section 6

Follow the risk mitigation strategies outlined in Section 6

  • At the current time, the only form and dose that has been tested in phase 1 clinical trials is the so-called "Mayo Protocol"

  • The Mayo Protocol consists of taking 20 mg/kg body weight of oral fisetin on two consecutive days and repeating the same dose, one month later

[Arun It means 2 doses of 1400 mg now two days and repeat after a month. Mayo Protocol may be declared unsafe, but is likely safe. It is likely not optimized for efficacy, but that is the price of hurry. Healthy aging is job 1, provided safety is likely! I consider self smarter than any non(aging specialist) and have contempt for gerontologists and geriatricians, IE Dr deGrey effect! Every one not a scientist is aging stupid, politicians and Brahmin especially.

My logic is simple – aging is the accumulation of senescent cells delivering inflammation chemicals in SASP. The bad things of SASP rise and continuously reduce, NAD+ with age. You must do 2 things – increase NAD+ and reduce SASP. NMN+Pterostilbene raise NAD+, Quercetin+coriander clean up senescence. In current state-of-art, NMN => Liposomal(NMN) with separate NO booster, and add to quercetin with Fisetin. I love strawberry which are way better than next Food source (apple), love the idea of boosting medicine by regular eating strawberries!

First retard every note like – which doctor? Aging and cancers are outside the competence of most current doctors, and specially those specializing in aging. Neither processes inside a cell nor genetics is even remembered, aging is harder than any cancer! Cell medicine does not mix with traditional medicine, it is not based on germs or viruses. Immune system functioning is central, as is immunotherapy. Messenger RNA drugs are basic. Liposome is not an afterthought, but central to cell medicine. Liposomal drugs can be easily made at home, and no sense in wasting money to buy them. All they are are enclosure of nanoparticles of drugs by Phospholipids surround. They are useful to control bio-availability and targeting, among others. Every non-soluble vitamin, Glutathione etc. are better absorbed (better is twice to hundred-fold) and saved from stomach acid and liver! The layers are immune! Nano-retention is use of standard mixie and coffee-maker! The phospholipid are bought as a powder. ]

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Longevity Strategy

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The cornerstone of our overall approach to take advantage of the amazing opportunity handed to us is to create, apply and constantly improve the most effective "Health & Longevity Strategy" that we can implement at present.

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A Step-by-Step Approach

To split the subject of achieving long-lasting health into manageable parts we have divided our strategy into five pillars that are further broken down into individual building blocks. 

Most processes in our body are highly complex with many interconnections: e.g. our emotional reactions influence our hormones, that in turn affect numerous processes in the body; our toxic burden has an influence on our digestion that can directly affect our brain. 

Although this obviously holds true for the building blocks as well, we structure them in a way that they can be addressed one-by-one. It also allows us to research and improve them individually.

Pillars & Building Blocks


Knowledge Pool

The strategy draws knowledge from a wide variety of sources

  • Medical Research
  • Rejuvenation Research

  • Functional & Integrative Medicine
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • Ayurveda
  • Integrative Dentistry

  • Manual Therapy

  • Preventative Health Assessments
  • Precision Medicine
  • Nutritional Science

  • Evolutionary / Ancestral Health
  • Movement Science
  • Environmental Medicine

  • Quantified Self

  • Supplementation
  • Self Development

  • Meditation & Mindfulness
  • Yoga

  • Trauma Release
  • Dance, Art & Music Therapy

  • Philosophy & Spirituality
  • Psychology


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