Sunday, June 13, 2021

Patient directed distributed control

This is the case in civilized world today, but shamefully used by most patients. Can I postulate  a better system and defend it? Yes, solution is here intermixed with defense. Who are the sub human enemies? Sick-unprofessional advertisers, makers and dependent media. Despite current immunity, I advocate later-age prosecution like Nazi and women-rights-enemies of the past along with post-disclosure cigarette companies. The system I advocate, open to improvements, is patient-centric in that some advisor professional must concur with the patient and only that destination is allowed. Controlled by checks and balance democracy. The first point is stupidity of asking or replying to the question of comparison  of any two systems of medicine. The key point to incomparibility agnosticism is comparisons based on evidence and experience for specific ailments. The purpose of requirement of concurrence to a such advocate professional is to force the patient to search for matching opinion in the class of better qualified persons, without constraining the citizen. Advocate professionals are controlled by periodic exams and delicensing.

Now my own choices based on what I know. Open to improvements in stating or choices. Ayurveda or better Allopathized Ayurveda for ignorable minor ailments and exercise. Strict allopathy for all event based medicine. Strict cellular medicine for cell directed ailments, definitely aging. Agreeing with Allopathy distinction, treatment by Allopathy, cure by any method is as good. A system in which tired old sick looking can submit and receive FDA clearance for Aging supplements is not acceptable. Evidence-based only if some agency finds definite group parameters improved.

Baba Ramdev is an advertiser doctor who is controversial stating the advocacy of Ayurveda over Allopathy, correctly criticized by Allopathy professionals. He is however practitioner of Allopathicised Ayurveda in that he uses evidence-based methods, but was shamefully caught in the coronil anti-covid-19 for using a self-beneficial notion of evidence in which all corona-patients ever and aged-over 65 were excluded and could not convince the government of efficacy. Some later version did pass. Should he be believed? For some things, yes. Just as good for cure of persistent diseases. No, for treatments and cell medicine ailments. Use cell medicine when it starts, Allopathy only till then. In many cases, supplements and OTC can be used. Use aggressive Allopathy for cancers.

Clearly, the benefit of and educated proxy, funded by he government, is not to be restricted to medicine. It is an essential part of my "education benefits without education" theory. My belief is a properly educated required proxy for all important decisions. Defined by percent of estimated income, offers vastly improved citizen actions with no problems other than some costs, payable by all developed countries and universally for less developed with my ideas on democracy.

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