Friday, June 11, 2021

Vaccination against Cancers and for undoing Aging

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A completely different disruptive new paradigm path is proposed here to use the machinery (IE mechanism) for mRNA for this purpose. I call it a hypothesis for fails my notion of science theory. But there are arguments to believe it represents likely path to undoing aging. First reference (Follows this) is to learn trivial underlying biology.

Increment to NAD+ is crucial to undoing aging. One basic goal of undoing aging is to increment NAD+ levels to what are in adults. NAD+ declines continuously with age.Synthesis of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) decreases during aging, which is thought to limit the activity of enzymes that require it for their catalytic activity. Studies in animals indicate that replenishment of cellular NAD+ can have beneficial effects on aging and age-related diseases, but the situation in humans is less clear. Yoshino et al. report the effects of supplementation with the NAD+ precursor nicotinamide mononucleotide in overweight or obese postmenopausal women with prediabetes (see the Perspective by Hepler and Bass). The treatment improved insulin sensitivity in muscle, although a change in NAD+ content was not detected. The treatment also increased the expression of platelet-derived growth factor b. The results support potential therapeutic action of NAD+ supplementation in humans, but how various NAD+ precursors are processed in specific tissues remains to be fully explored.(science

NAD+ is a basic material used in Krebs cycle. It decrements because senescent cells, hallmarks of aging, are inflamed by NAD+ and generate CD38 poison to reduce NAD+. Every trick to boost NAD+ will fail because eventually CD38, whose concentration increases with age, will overwhelm the trick. Clearly, CD38 levels must be reduced periodically.

One direction being pursued by Group led by Drs. Conboy at UCB is to use Blood dilution and chemical metering to reduce any evil proteins by dialysis type machine. This method will expand graciously with research expanding the evil list to include TGF-beta etc.

The current state of the art is here.

I state a new disruptive paradigm here - use mRNA vaccination idea to remove nonliving proteins much smaller than viruses. The idea here is to train the immune system to recognize the evil proteins and eliminate them in the usual way. For this purpose, we use two properties of biological evolution of DNA and cells of DNA repair and sanctity of DNA by nucleus membrane. This method applies to cancers even when not caused by virus type of things, The paradigm where vaccines work without viruses is novel to all western modern medicine, away from germ theory of causation so strongly tied to it, instead of older systems missing the theory of germs. The idea of vaccinating for cancers and undoing aging seems opposed to modern medicine, since no new germs are postulated.

First, that every evil is legislated against by preventing any direct contact with DNA molecule inside the nucleus sack in eukaryote. All other methods will be destroyed by future evolution interlopers. It is like Dr. Sinclair idea of only surviving DNA to achieve exclusion of repair and replication by making them the opposite sides of logic of epi-gene, shut or not! The signal molecules cause the copy of some part of DNA into mRNA. It is this molecule that exits the eukaryote nucleus sac and can never go back. This mRNA unites with ribosomes of the cell external to the sack, constructs the encoded protein that then exits the cell. The mRNA self-destruct for important proteins to in few hours. They can never reenter the sack, like the perfect surviving solution of Sinclair! Most subsequent evolutionary products can not penetrate and hijack the DNA! 

Somehow, horizontal gene transfer happens, although I state and believe in the theory of lost intermediate eukaryote species sexually compatible with both now incompatible species. This alternate explanation is possible given the low frequency of apparent horizontal transfer, despite the similarities of neighboring sequences in sexually incompatible species. Alternatively, there is still viral transmission theory with symbiotic role.

Second, if mRNA exit the cell, immune system kills them by eating.  But it has to kill only a few that survive self-destruction. The mRNA are copied segments that have a different sugar, becoming Uracil on transcription!

Now comes an irrelevant point as to the recognition by immune system of improper cells - it may be because of memory of all the mRNA. Or any molecule with U is bad. The difference is on the attachment freedom to the evil protein. Whichever, the point is that any molecule that resembles mRNA in part is bad. The immune system killers destroy mRNA analogs and are also trained to consider the rest of the molecule bad too.

This makes the functioning of mRNA vaccines easy to follow. Consider one hypothetical vaccine for Covid-19. The virus feature selected is the spike protein.  A molecule is constructed that joins one mRNA with the protein that

a) is easy to manufacture

b) looks non-toxic

Set of these molecules are tested on mice, human cells or both. The set is reduced usefulness and improved non-toxicity and triaged to a list of candidate for first small human trials. It takes weeks to prepare the candidates, but year to test to convincing levels of safety and efficacy.

My idea is to treat the bad proteins like CD38 to be an expanding list of chemicals of evil for which mRNA vaccines are built and treat cancers as mRNA vaccine for 1 patient! This is possible since building the molecule is measured in weeks and the real time will go in identifying the evil proteins, which will become easier with data per patient helped by recent use principality.

Specifically, knowing the molecule considered evil is smaller than a virus and is assumed small enough to not look for expressed features, which may be shared with useful proteins not to be targeted, An mRNA/evil mix is considered for safety. It will be used for cure, hoping that theoretical predictions are sufficient. Data for several trials is saved on per-patient basis and hopefully will be reusable soon. The data can be exchanged with similar programs.

Immunity period depends on per-protein basis and per-patient basis. It may vary from once a century basis to once-year basis. In any case, some patients will have a very long immune memory. Aged have another severe problem with vaccines - their immunity system is too weak (numerically)  to eat the foreign objects. Hand-in-hand with vaccine solution must be an  immune multiplier. Till that time, the vaccination solutions are for younger cancers and infections.

To summarize, treating by vaccine approach is possible since I fail to see the difference between surface expressed proteins to full proteins in most cases. Sites visited by immune cells exceed that are blood connected. BBB barriers don't exist.

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