Sunday, June 13, 2021

Senescence cell doctors


Abstract: I believe that Senescence cell doctors are basically distinct from other doctors because they do not need to become jack of all trades and because their fundamental treatment is only related to problems within cells, fundamentally different from physicians who need to understand body function in all random organs effected by differently random diseases, often more than one. Limiting the specialty to cells and strong ties to genetics community and molecular biologists enables Senescence doctors to deal with all eukaryotes. The subject of aging applies to dog, cats, mice etc. as well. The nucleus sack is the basic unification that allows the development and treatment with mRNA drugs and vaccinations to attack cancers of all kinds and aging of all eukaryotes. We must allow all the great scientists mentioned, Dr. de Grey, Dr Sinclair,Drs. Conby and Dr. Horvath as fundamental scientist with MD like opinion value and ability to practice cell medicine’ applied to cancers and aging even though in most cases, they do not have MD credentials. The invited will themselves act responsibly.

Advanced cancers are often considered untreatable anymore, and the focus shifts to control of pain in hospice setting and permission to use any weird technology by the care-givers routinely exploited by moron criminals. This might be acceptable behavior in MD community, but will not be of any senescence cell doctors. That is because both cancers and aging have a cellular basis, and the effort to control ailment in the patient must extend to the very last, even trying theoretically good novel chemicals. Death is no longer a necessary natural event but an admitted shame on the doctors on the state of recuperative art of the time. The ailment must be cellular and that distinction has to be continually refined.

Both aging and cancers are ailments of the cell. Cancers can be researched as one, based on genetic mutation of the effected cells. There is a generalization, which converts remit, post the drugs causing remit fail. THIS MAY BE FOR THE VIRUS TO MUTATE OR TOLERANCE DEVELOPMENT. Only true cancers here.

There is no discovered unification of aging. Certain defects in cells are called hallmarks, with Balkanized work on each. Cell medicine depends on molecular biology and genetics. The unification is mRNA drugs and vaccines, with training the immune system central. There is a hallmark, cell diseases, treatable by mRNA drugs or cousins and vaccines fixing patient immunity. Alternatively, treatment and cure by strengthening immune therapy. The treatment and cure is not by external magic drugs, but by inherent immunity training. Immunotherapy is removed from Allopathy. Some professional organization admits cell medicine professionals, by examination, unless invited.

The persistent diseases of diabetes, heart, osteo-whatsoever etc. are divided into treatment and cure. For cure, all legal systems. For treatment, only Allopathy.

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