Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Letter seeking help


As recounted by Lady Conboy, before 2005, prior to their earth-shattering work, they could not move forward in parbiosis work till fix required funds for research. Beyond the other donnés, stepped up Dr de Grey and solved funding and expertise (suggested and convinced two capable technician fellows to work). Rest is history. It reminded me of Bhama shah. I don’t need one for money. But I do need capable technicians. And someone in our group to sound on by email. Best would be a new doctor uncle. Oh, I miss him.

I did write up my work to a form good enough for me.

It can be edited and extended, in fact should be. IT will be used to ignite shared help calls. The HARDEST part of being a grownup male is to admit you need help, and having doctor uncle meant I did not need help. I do now. Solving funds problem, and tech problem is a good start, that all. Maybe some better ideas. My goal is a company and my need is, a perhaps not meet (email and phone only), partners. No funds needed, best being PPP model with Yogi, or like, delay and use my NMN experience, go for clinical test over 5 people (Too expensive in the USA, NMN still lags NR), … Whose shoulders do I cry on and answer my doubts! Time to build email only groups like class-of-75 with legal statement consequences, ... My proning experience was bad and deflationary. But did fetch help from Hemant & Baldev, gratefully acknowledged,

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