Sunday, June 6, 2021

Tech fi on life after the first thousand from now


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Tech-fi and consistent sci-fi are my invention neologisms. The title "Tech-fi on life after the first thousand from now" indicates that the technology applications will take unspecified time to become profitable, but no new science is postulated. Consistent sci-fi is that the series explores derived possibilities of the raw science imagined, as well as strong believers constitute consistent explored civilizations.  Star Wars and Star Trek are both consistent sci-fi. If current science postulates sufficiently widely a contrary principle, then that branch of sci-fi becomes dead. Jules Verne classics and "back to future" are bad sci-fi, to be passed sci-fantasy, because antigravity and time travel respectively are anti-science. Consistent sci-fi do not include, but do have Star Trek imaginations which while true flights of fancy, are still non-contradictory.

After the first ageless 1000 years, the sane majority of life forms will allow their brains to be blown up to huge sizes using MIT 2010 decade technology developments, transfer their brains on digital memories and weights on huge robotic nets, to enable a recreation of similar net, as nano particles on diamonds, as the brain. Once that is done, light speed travel, and safety against all types of dangers becomes possible, even true immortality assuming correctly that unlimited dangers have very local limits forever. Regardless of length of time in any matter coordinate system, the time elapse for photons is zero! So optical information needs to revert to diamond form only after unlimited travel.

What is an advanced brain?

It can be answered today with some certainty. It is many functional units composed by pipeline. Each unit can be implemented securely by read only functions operating on two kinds of data, write-once and variables, with fixed locations or pointers. The data is separate from code and organized as series of snapshots connected by lists of transactions which each keep an implicit record of what was done, why, and by whom etc. Each function begins with an event which schedules in a set of closures dynamically bound to that function. It terminates in another dynamically bound post-event to which various sanity-checking closures can attach. Closures imply coroutines which can share variables. The entire program is a process which cannot share any variables, but can share write once. The program flow can be normal or automatically instantiated from semi-context-sensitive grammars on events. The semis have singe global nullable non-terminal but nulled just once at the end. It represents time.This models coroutines and machine learning (an opaque functional coroutine) both.

I am predicting that even full first order logic will not be doable by  ml machines. There is nothing intuitive about the logic. Unlike human brain, two independent units can ML-compute a function and the difference, thus operate differently from neural brains. However, complex units will have two levels with one normal circuit level  over ML-level.

To be done.

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