Sunday, August 20, 2017

Who am I, What do I want

In Aug, 2017 I found my nirvana. Nothing matters now.
All Blue+ words are clickable.
Nerd looking for commitment, link tells you what I like, but read before (i.e.breathfirst), link will remain here!
All I need is to overcome my TBI and I have clock of old age ticking on me. I go for novel square root for nested safety in required law-enforcement disclose
Proofs are simple. Military encryption from UN works for symmetric encryption, so the only remaining problem is key k distribution. Assume one-way function. Publish one-way of k. The respondent can invert, hence get k. Others can’t. Simplest one-way is discrete square on 1000 bits. Its reversal is square root, doable in numbers modulo 1000 bit primes product, both mod 3 on dividing by 4.
I strongly want and consider achievable of amortality (long life with small diseased periods at end). There are only two methods at this time – calorie restriction but not starvation, and angiogenesis by ECP (external counter pulsation) – needed by me anyway with narrow Asian Indian blood vessels in heart; means no surgery again, not needed only with ECP.
I have plans to treat self when diabetes gets me and offer medical tourism to low cost India, for applications in toning up other body parts too
One way to become young again is by stem cells. There are two challenges – how to make them work ans how to replace. replacement is easy of non-cancerous cells, just inject the site, old ones will die. So many disease conditions can be fixed even before aging – the thousand noble prize. Consider this experience quote from great IITian
One possible but illegal way to get amortality is by suicide. No one catch you after this crime!
I believe totally in aaquantum-stoicism which need no faith and is not staticand which derives its ethics + behavior directives from reality of death (stoicism),
narrative of creation from quantum mechanics, and narrative of life + development from evolution with punctuated natural selection.
Dynamism exceeds the links given to firmly understood before this and new are ethics + behavior modern physics and evolution.
One way around creation mysteries is via torsion. Every Black Hole Contains a New Universe. It is agnostic on God but strongly so in that ALL existing religions are considered to the conspiracy to defraud by criminal priests who need to be routinely investigated for fraud and must never be able to impose religion derived enunciation through the state, even if in majority.

I wept with joy when gravitational waves were discovered when I live.
They even found Higgs. The raging curiousities in me are quiet now.
These are my latest interests, likely to death.
Quality singing: A wonder for me
I enjoy science seeking answers to questions in me - what is this universe around me (aaquantum-cosmology), what is life and how did it begin (aaquantum-biology), what is living and death (aaquantm-stoicism). Stupidest are derivations from greats and tomes. Answer is skepticism, constrained rationally when required.
The aaquantum-cosmology
of physics
Yes, we can distinguish between 48% copenhagen quantum scientists and 1% pilot wave (me)
This is why aaquantum-stoicism may be the last great religion to arise –
quantum mechanics may be limited in answering more
What does nested safety mean?
It means a series of keys are partitioned into levels such that a key on a level will open all documents of level below, but none of same or higher level. Presumably the Supreme court has the most powerful key, then president next and so on, an order constructed by the congress as if amending the constitution.
Then stories like links are passe
Never kneel down
“Do not get down on your knees to pray just to show God that you always remember him. Instead stay on your feet, and always do as he would do in place of him.” ―
Suzy Kassem
I suffered bad auto-accident in 1990, survived long unconscious to TBI, overcame ALL physical debilitations and solutions to mental disabilities through parents, now aged. I have always fought deficits; do not have patience with those who compromise. I seek none beyond anger less understanding of explicit decline to a request to shared activity. I don’t compromise often and feel contemptuous sorry for those who do.

what do I want?
I realize my TBI limts, but not mathematical error. Under no competition and no disclosure, no cost unless used, royalties per use.

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