Sunday, August 27, 2017

March to Singularity – Tissue Nanotransfection

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There are 4 take-home from here

1.       How to predict an exponential process
2.       Singularity I seek
3.       Why this work is revolutionary for aging
4.       Why this work is on self-funding trajectory

Prediction on an exponential process is very hard, impossible by polynomial extrapolation, hence fundamentally anti-faith, i.e. mother-fuck the believers. Problem is that all polynomial extrapolation fails. You can still aaqgs-predict

1 By extrapolating on log or log-log graph. Crucial is predicting the polymerization of the process. Crucial also is time based resource-graph which has two y (an entity and resource) compared for same x i.e. time, population or money etc.

2 Predict by required steps, inter-step development is difficult to time-predict. What is required here is to have some idea of goal-sought and a feasible process to achieve the steps eventually. The requirement of existing science makes the process tech fi, far more believable than sci fi.
Indefinite life is a goal. One can chase quixotic dreams. Or lay out a tech fi process which cqan only go faster with sci fi developments. I am waiting for a singularity for robust lifespan in thousands of years within my achievable life span, time enough to deal with mental issues in TBI.
Since robust lifespan increase I look for, to increase lifespan, one has to deal with big-killer diseases that for now are heart failures, strokes and cancers. Within 20 years can be postulated turbine pumps that can surgically provide better pumping. To that day are coQ10 and ECP techniques.

Cancers are forestalled by greatly increasing sell density in tissues. That can be done by injecting stem cells in division areas. The idea is one of the cell lives – either a copy of the division cell smarter than the more robust but less experienced stem cell. Where will proper specialized cells come from? How will that go to where needed? The singularity I await looks a lot like trees! Precise location of stem cells is not needed

The process described in this reference is a major step towards my goal! The stem cells are post-harvest skin cells specialized and allowed to migrate from the skin-point. Overtime, they divide in the proper places! Animal specialization of iPS cells is done at the skin and for free, the specialized cells will participate only where needed!

Mark my words, predicting on an exponential curve – there is a revolution in Tissue nanotransfection which relates enormously to indefinite life!
Self-funding trajectory is enormous applications in regenerative medicine and cancers which in many cases are tumors that need to be surrounded and choked to death!

For the curious, not relevant but explain my searches are east+weat approach to boosting effectiveness, and the rationale of 4 choices ECP, Niagen, coQ10 and Metformin.

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