Late 2017 view of different behavior on anti-matter neutrino at C2 facility. Outstanding Nobel prize work!!
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Do I know most answers? I KNOW have learned how little. but I know enough to know that for even a small fraction of that little, religion-based re pliers are not just different, but idiotic stupids without knowledge!
It is possible only now (late 2017) to outline a complete outline consistent with Aaqgs (arun arya quantum gravity stoicism). We finally have a clue to why matter won over anti-matter at creation big bang and how entropy can be lost Quantum Mechanically, building a Maxwell demon around Landuer.
Top 3 quarters can be succinctly found in this link.
Science is about how to make an effective use of the complex and bewildering amount of data? What kind of evidence can ultimately answer the pressing questions that cosmologists, and particle physicists alike, are asking: namely, is there really dark energy? And if so, what is it exactly? Or, are there really particles whose physics goes beyond the Standard Model? And if so, what are they like?
The term ‘concordance model’ is used in cosmology to indicate the currently accepted and most commonly used cosmological model. It is important to identify a concordance model because the measurement of many astrophysical quantities (e.g. distance, radius, luminosity and surface brightness) depend upon the cosmological model used. Consequently, for ease of comparison if nothing else, the models assumed in different studies should at least be similar, if not identical.Science is about how to make an effective use of the complex and bewildering amount of data? What kind of evidence can ultimately answer the pressing questions that cosmologists, and particle physicists alike, are asking: namely, is there really dark energy? And if so, what is it exactly? Or, are there really particles whose physics goes beyond the Standard Model? And if so, what are they like?
Currently, the concordance model is the Lambda CDM model (which includes cold dark matter and a cosmological constant). In this model the Universe is 13.7 billion years old and made up of 4% baryonic matter, 23% dark matter and 73% dark energy. The Hubble constant for this model is 71 km/s/Mpc and the density of the Universe is very close to the critical value for re-collapse. These values were derived from WMAP (Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe) satellite observations of the cosmic microwave background radiation.

It is possible only now (late 2017) to outline a complete outline consistent with Aaqgs (arun arya quantum gravity stoicism). We finally have a clue to why matter won over anti-matter at creation big bang and how entropy can be lost Quantum Mechanically, building a Maxwell demon around Landuer.
Antimatter is studied in particle decelerators.
You’ve heard of particle accelerators, but did you know there were also particle decelerators? CERN houses a machine called the Antiproton Decelerator, a storage ring that can capture and slow antiprotons to study their properties and behavior.
In circular particle accelerators like the Large Hadron Collider, particles get a kick of energy each time they complete a rotation. Decelerators work in reverse; instead of an energy boost, particles get a kick backward to slow their speeds.Why is any thing there i.e. space, time, or matter? Don't know much re space except this, at big bang time, entire space and universe fit into a few smallest size granularity which in turn could be cells in the multi-verse, current space is product of relentless inflation! Time arrow is march of entropy, irreversibility is solely from entropy. Matter exists because space without matter is unstable, particle pairs are produced everywhere in vacuum all the time.
my stoic view - Our universe, in the multiverse, lived, and died in great collapse who knows how many times, finite or infinite. In every edition but ours (destined to expand forever accelerated), the universe reached a maximum size and contracted to near nothing in eons, while entropy kept increasing, even while collapsing. But when the universe became small enough, quantum particles were born, same time high and low energy. They took on the entropy and lost it because they could. The universe contracted away thereafter, losing entropy till at last its compression could not continue, when it expanded in seconds to pea nut size and more matter was created which would increase the dark energy in next edition. This inflation and contraction continued till our final edition with so much dark energy that its inflation epoch would never end.
Why is my standard cosmological narrative superior to ANY religion based model you might have?! Empirical truth! Just get the gear and peer at sky (everywhere) to measures CMB! The cosmic microwave background (CMB) is electromagnetic radiation left over from an early stage of the universe in Big Bang cosmology. In older literature, the CMB is also variously known as cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR) or "relic radiation".
1. The universe emitted a faint microwave glow CMB 380,000 years after big bang. Extensive decade long search through telescopes have built a vast distribution of stellar objects of last seven billion years. There is stark evolution relationship between CMB and the survey!
2. The spectral lines of quantum particles are present exactly in CMB. It says universe was atom sized once!
I am agnostic don't-care of your belief. All you must know is there are other logic and science supported belief with an open empirical challenge, no matter how strong your belief, you have no option to losing against unexplained empiricism. We no longer talk easy concepts with alternate explanations equally possible, here we talk time, space and genesis of matter and a universal CMB!
Universe evolution by atomic number i.e. the elements
At birth, the universe was a sea of photons and creation time matter in the form of Higg's bosons. There was equal amount of matter and anti-matter. But the matter neutrinos were not like anti-matter ones, and over billions of years, most antimatter became matter!
1. The universe emitted a faint microwave glow CMB 380,000 years after big bang. Extensive decade long search through telescopes have built a vast distribution of stellar objects of last seven billion years. There is stark evolution relationship between CMB and the survey!
2. The spectral lines of quantum particles are present exactly in CMB. It says universe was atom sized once!
I am agnostic don't-care of your belief. All you must know is there are other logic and science supported belief with an open empirical challenge, no matter how strong your belief, you have no option to losing against unexplained empiricism. We no longer talk easy concepts with alternate explanations equally possible, here we talk time, space and genesis of matter and a universal CMB!
Universe evolution by atomic number i.e. the elements
At birth, the universe was a sea of photons and creation time matter in the form of Higg's bosons. There was equal amount of matter and anti-matter. But the matter neutrinos were not like anti-matter ones, and over billions of years, most antimatter became matter!
A HUGE MASS OF Higg’s boson was produced, trapped photons to become matter. Some of them became electrons and neutrino, other Higg's devolved to quarks and became hadrons. Some quarks became protons, some neutrons. The universe was a cloud of protons and alpha particles, both captured electrons (hydrogen and helium). The clouds of Hydrogen gravity-congealed, stars were born, lived and many died in supernova, spreading their guts in the galaxies in which they lived even as the inner core size-wise-diminished to dwarf stars to neutron stars to black holes.
How do we evidence-based-know anything? Through powerful telescopes, the universe around us shows the systems forming in various stages! Belief in anything else (tautologies excluded), words of greats or deeply-respected-tomes, is from stupidly criminal faith!
Galaxies are gigantic collections of stars, gas and so-called dark matter. The smallest galaxies contain a few million stars, while the largest may contain several hundred billion stars. The first stars already emerged in the very early universe about 200 million years after the Big Bang, formed from the gases hydrogen and helium. These giant clouds of gas and dust contract and eventually the gas is so compact that that the pressure heats up the material, creating glowing balls of gas and new stars are born. The stars are collected into galaxies, the first of which were baby galaxies of a sort.
The theory of the astronomers is that the baby galaxies gradually grew larger and more massive by constantly forming new stars and by colliding with neighbouring galaxies to form new, larger galaxies. The largest galaxies in our current universe have thus been under constant formation throughout the history of the universe. Earth and our solar system are located in a large galaxy, the Milky Way.
Some nebula clouds gravity-compressed to solar systems. The new stars created had hydrogen drawn into the central star with huge gaseous Jupiters outside and higher element planets in the inner rings.How do we evidence-based-know anything? Through powerful telescopes, the universe around us shows the systems forming in various stages! Belief in anything else (tautologies excluded), words of greats or deeply-respected-tomes, is from stupidly criminal faith!
The material for the inner ring planets was from supernova after helium to iron. Nobler materials were produced from the decay of neutron stars prior to their cores collapsing to black holes or through gamma ray bursts, or colliding dead stars. These rare elements like gold, platinum and uranium also were drawn to inner planets, though in small concentrations.
The Big Bang left behind hydrogen, helium and lithium. Stars then fused these elements into progressively heavier elements. But the process stops at iron, which is among the most stable elements. Nuclei bigger than iron are so positively charged, and so difficult to bring together, that fusion no longer returns more energy than you have to put in.
Earth revolved around the sun. But solar system revolved around the galactic the plane of revolution, an angle was made by the plane of the solar system. In effect the system bobbed up- and down the galactic mean. This meant periodic bathing of planets in dark matter. This frequency coincides with geological data of great periodic devastation. As little as sixty million years ago, dark matter excited a meteor projectile that fell on earth and caused so much damage that dinosaurs were wiped out. Mammals took over.
Humans emerged a few hundred thousand years ago and some branches died out. Modern human started 20,000 years ago, the period is too small for bio-evolution. But technical evolution happened and by 2015, the age of normal science drew to a close. New science are AI, quantum etc, all mysterious. No one really understands QM and giant neural nets no one knows why they work so well.
Universe evolution by wavelength of electro-magnetic radiation
There are four recognized forces in 2017 - gravity, electromagnetic, weak and strong. Gravity is too puny, weak and strong important only in nuclei. Hence we can can focus on wavelengths of emr. Different wavelengths are useful for different purposes, for our quick walk in science, the distictions into radio, microwave, infra-red, visible, ultra-violet, x-ray and gamma-ray suffices. USA has had a great space telescope program for the distinctions. If the waves pass through atmosphere well, the telescopes can be earth bound like radio and microwave, Others require satellite based telescopes above atmosphere.
Most of science in the visible region comes from Hubble. Hubble played a key role in discovering that a mysterious form of energy called dark energy is acting like a cosmic gas pedal, accelerating the universe's expansion rate. Dark energy shoves galaxies away from each other at ever-increasing speeds and works in opposition to gravity. Here are five important discoveries Hubble made possible in its quarter century orbiting Earth:
It saw many things, way farther, hence closer in time to big bang. Its replacement, the Webb will see to within 500,000 years after the big bang, but not before since the universe was not transparent to light before that.
In the x-Ray and Gamma-ray,.we observe from Fermi telescope. We can now attack hard problems - cosmic rays, dark-matter, dark-energy. Low end speed of cosmic-ray protons can only arise from supernova. But that is already GEV like LHC (Large Hadron Collider)! Real fast cosmic-ray protons are even 1000 times faster! How can that happen? Turns out, our galaxy, the milky-way, has all it bodies in a plane. Perpendicular to the plane, it has two spherical regions, on either side, of particles moving under the influence of galactic central black hole. It is this that traps the low-end GEV protons from super-nova and accelerates them, to 1000 times the energy! Pretty theory, but now discarded with extra galactic source a better theory for 10^18 ev cosmic rays!
Shakespeare - we know what we are but not what we may become
This narrative goes on. LIGOs have detected gravity waves, a new chapter starts in astronomy even before LISA. By 2017, science had advanced to the making of universe accessible and predict its own limitations. SETI never yielded any thing, we might be alone in this galaxy or universe.
I hope they consider a eloquent miser saver Computer Scientist Professor now specializing in encryption, mental TBI worth saving, given a fit ancient, then weight lifting in 90s, after conquering and crushing all physical debilitation - genetic, accidental, or environmental; in the 2050's decade singularity.
Universe evolution by wavelength of electro-magnetic radiation
There are four recognized forces in 2017 - gravity, electromagnetic, weak and strong. Gravity is too puny, weak and strong important only in nuclei. Hence we can can focus on wavelengths of emr. Different wavelengths are useful for different purposes, for our quick walk in science, the distictions into radio, microwave, infra-red, visible, ultra-violet, x-ray and gamma-ray suffices. USA has had a great space telescope program for the distinctions. If the waves pass through atmosphere well, the telescopes can be earth bound like radio and microwave, Others require satellite based telescopes above atmosphere.
Spitzer looks in infrared, it does so while trailing the Earth at about 0.1 AU (1 astronomical unit is the mean distance between the Earth and sun, or about 92,956,000 miles), thus free from atmospheric distortion. It spied the evidence of "hot Jupiters"—gas giants exoplanets roasting on one side and cool on the other. And Spitzer team compiled this stunning image of multiple generations of star formation.
- Pinning down the age of the universe. ...
- Seeing galaxies in the early universe. ...
- New moons of Pluto. ...
- Understanding seasons on other planets. ...
- Exoplanet science.
In the x-Ray and Gamma-ray,.we observe from Fermi telescope. We can now attack hard problems - cosmic rays, dark-matter, dark-energy. Low end speed of cosmic-ray protons can only arise from supernova. But that is already GEV like LHC (Large Hadron Collider)! Real fast cosmic-ray protons are even 1000 times faster! How can that happen? Turns out, our galaxy, the milky-way, has all it bodies in a plane. Perpendicular to the plane, it has two spherical regions, on either side, of particles moving under the influence of galactic central black hole. It is this that traps the low-end GEV protons from super-nova and accelerates them, to 1000 times the energy! Pretty theory, but now discarded with extra galactic source a better theory for 10^18 ev cosmic rays!
Shakespeare - we know what we are but not what we may become
This narrative goes on. LIGOs have detected gravity waves, a new chapter starts in astronomy even before LISA. By 2017, science had advanced to the making of universe accessible and predict its own limitations. SETI never yielded any thing, we might be alone in this galaxy or universe.
I hope they consider a eloquent miser saver Computer Scientist Professor now specializing in encryption, mental TBI worth saving, given a fit ancient, then weight lifting in 90s, after conquering and crushing all physical debilitation - genetic, accidental, or environmental; in the 2050's decade singularity.
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